Over the past 2 weeks, started having a whining noise from front end. It seems to be coming from the front passenger side. The noise starts at around 30 mph and increases with speed. Very noticeable at highway speed. Sounded a bit like tire noise. I did rotate the tires, front to back, but noise persists from the front. Any thoughts?
wheel bearing. weave side to side while its whining, and it should get louder and softer as you weave. if it does, wheel bearing is bad.
Sounds like a wheel bearing. Try to listen in turns. Depending on a direction of the turn the noise will get louder or quieter if its a bearing PS 69showelhead beat me by 1 minute Alex
Another alternative is that a bearing within the transaxle is beginning to fail. For your sake I hope the problem is a wheel bearing, not the transaxle.