Sir, You wait till post #14 to inform us that you did in fact remove the ice and built up snow and that by doing so made your mpg go back to normal! "Snow…..What an Impact on MPG" is what you titled your thread as…. A logical person could infer that tips / pointers as to the reason for such unusually low mpg would be appreciated….As most low mpg threads do indeed ask for help…. don't believe me, look through the fuel economy threads, they are filled with questions about lower than expected mpg, and how to improve mpg… I honestly was only trying to be helpful, as indicated in my lengthy posts about all the tricks I know on how to improve mpg….In hindsight I probably should not have wasted my time... Maybe I didn't realize you simply wanted to post a statement about your experience with low mpg on a snow covered Prius and didn't want any member participation…. Sorry for what you consider "utter nonsense"…….off to community college to take that basic reading comprehension course now… Final tip / non sense - Kick the wheel well snow off on all 4 corners prior to setting off… that was probably the biggest detractor to mpg if it was really packed in there… Maybe op won't benefit from my tips but someone else reading shall…. Peace be to all and to all a good night...
A logical person would not make false statements regarding the original post A logical person would not assume someone is looking for tips, when making a statement. A logical person would realize a statement is not a question.
From the invention of the forum concept in the 1980s on Multics, it has been well recognized that the written word, hastily posted, is not equipped with the non-verbal clues and voice tone that might render the same words harmless or subject to the quick explanation that come in a face to face setting. Thus, online postings are all too frequently followed by quickly posted replies that, given the time to parse the original or re-edit the response, might have been different. But who has time for that in today's world of dozens of sources of information competing for your time. In a forum where the common posting raises a question (or is a question), it is not illogical to start reading from that assumption. A careful parsing of the actual posting might lead to a different understanding than a casual reading of one among many postings. One of you felt that the other should have known he wasn't wanting help, the other felt gee I was only trying to help. And it spirals from there. Give each other credit for trying to contribute to the knowledge base of others and let it die.
^^^Thank you. And thank you G Man v5 for contributing with your original statement / thread! I concede, I obviously / Illogically misinterpreted or misread your thread as a question. My wanton to help was sincere even though unwanted. Case closed. Take care, and I hope to see you more around here on this great fourm.
I POSTED A "STATEMENT" IN A OPEN FORUM! Now whatever you do, don't react to what I have written or said, or write anything that might suggest any decision I made could be handled in a different way. I'll take that as personal criticism of my actions and I can't handle that. Basically, All I want is people to read my post and say "Yep". To themselves quietly at home or work. PS. Don't respond to this it is a personal statement and not a question.