I am trying to remove the upper portion of my passenger seat for my 2012 Prius C. This is not the part that you sit on. It is the part where your back rests against. The part where the head rest attaches to. I'm not sure what the formal technical name of the part is. Anyway, I see a yellow wire running up in to it. I am worried that if I do something the passenger air bag will go off. Under the seat I see some wire connections. So basically I would like step by step help on how to remove this part. Both mechanically, and if there are any worries about air bags going off! In addition, I plan to keep this part of my car removed, and not have a passenger sit in this seat. Do I need to disable the air bag for the passenger side? I see it is always marked as Off on the display when it does not detect enough weight on the seat. Is there a way to permanently disable the passenger air bag? Thank you very much for any help.
I am converting the car in to a driving tent. I have screen windows. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have cut 2 .5" plywood into 20x39" sheets and 2 4x4 into 39" lengths and 20x24" plywood with 18" legs added for head support. The 4/4 and plywoodsheets level the back out with the seats folded down and the sheets fit tin the back when the seat is up.
Here are some picks, I use Mosquito netting instead of screens that is why I have the 12" overhang in the back
Wow, thank you for all the photos! You really made quite a sleeping environment. I am very impressed! You can see my simple screens of fiberglass screen from a hardware store and some magnets. I live in my car, and need to store all of my belongings in there with me, so I will not be able to copy your idea, but I may try to use some of your design concepts for myself. Thank you very much for sharing!