Yes, I did go down to Autozone and found the chrome trim I think they were talking about. I decided to not go with this because I was not sure how it would hold up over time - but I do appreciate the heads up!
Looks good! How did you put it on. The stuff I was looking at was half a circle with an adhesive backing. I was thinking it would be stuck on the inside of the outer lip of the wheel.
The automotive trim is made by Cowles Custom and is a 3M product. It is 1/4 in wide and 20 feet long. I bought it at Pep Boys. It's been on over 2 years now and new tires mounted - still looks great. Had a couple of beers on a warm day in the garage taking about 45 minutes for all four wheels.
you have any idea what is the size of the center cap of the black allow wheels upon removing the cover? bro where did you buy that center cap on the wheels!!!
I might give that a try but it is my wife's car and when I tell her what we can do she looks at me and wrinkles her eyebrows. I don't think she really cares, so I find it hard to keep trying just to make it look better in my eyes.
You can buy the "hub caps" (they are -real- hub caps) online or from a Toyota dealer. The GII ones are what I used, and they look just like his picture. Sorry, didn't measure the hole dia., though if you buy on the internet it's a good idea to know. Just pull a wheel cover and measure. No tools required. <<You can just make them out in my avatar.
Okay ty for reply I got the exact size it is 55mm and I think I am going to just get the cheap one on eBay for under $9 set of four, So if it get stolen by those people, yes I mean those people lol, probably I would not even mind it hehe just search this on ebay " ONE SET OF 55mm WHEEL HUB CHROME CENTER CAPS COVER FOR 2004 - 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS " The scroll down on the ads and type what model your car is.
I think I would prefer to paint the gray oem wheel covers black versus just removing end exposing the black wheel underneath. Anyone ever done anything like that with plastic wheel covers? Maybe a detail shop could do it cheap, dip them in paint. Searched eBay but could not find any black replacement wheel covers for 2013 Prius.
I'd plasti-dip them, if you want to try black, so you could peel it off. My feeling: black rims look utilitarian, like a snow tire. Seems to me Toyota's painting them black to discourage people taking them off. I just wish they'd make a nice silver alloy rim sans plastic cover the standard rim on 15".
Why paint it black when you can just remove them and switch it back for different style and silver look, plus I always see a lot prius missing 1 or 2 hub cabs, probably stolen or fallen off.
Yes! On first thought, it seems that would save them the cost and weight of the wheel covers, as well as making customers happier. However, the present 15" rim isn't good aerodynamically, and they must figure designing, tooling up, and manufacturing a new low-drag aluminum wheel would cost them more than the silly wheel covers.
You know, this thread has morphed into the area I often laugh at. For example, a few years ago I saw a Civic, all dolled up with wheels that cost - each- more than the car was worth (bluebook). Or how about the Cavalier, faded paint, dents all over the place, in the mall parking lot with both a steering wheel bar -AND- a $400 alarm system. Reality check time!
Ever checked the price of those plastic wheel covers, through the dealership? They rival aftermarket rims.
Nah...forget reality. It is interesting that often I think people create reasons to "love" the car they have. Even if it's pretty bad. The other day, a person pulled into the parking lot of the convenience store I had stopped at in a really beat up 1970's Ford Pick-Up, that sounded like it was barely running. But as he got out, he and another customer got into a conversation about the truck. It was evident that the owner perceived his truck as an aging "classic" and was really proud of it. I'm OK with people being unrealistic about the "value" of their vehicles. I say, you like your vehicle? Go ahead and put whatever wheels you want on it, or whatever alarm system or sound system.... It may be the cliche, lipstick on a pig scenario, but who am I to tell them? One of the most "enjoyable" ownership experiences from an automotive standpoint that I ever had, was when I was driving a old, beat up, 1976 Toyota Corolla, that I paid 400 dollars for. Insurance was as cheap as possible. It got me from point A to Point B, and I could drive with the liberating feeling that I really didn't care what happened to the vehicle. It was cheaper than a bicycle. I didn't bother to invest a lot into "extra's" for it, but I enjoyed owning it. Not all of us can afford New or Newer used vehicles. If a kid is "unrealistic" about his beat up old Civic...I'm not going to shatter that illusion.
I have a 2010 and it has silver. They are getting some bubbles from corrosion. Anybody else getting paint bubbles from corrosion on the wheels?