I took my 2008 in for a new battery after my car sat outside in negative degree temps for a few days. After doing that repair, the dealer recommended a new serpentine belt. Ever since that service appointment, the car is making a high-pitched "woo-wooo" noise during acceleration. It's definitely a noise I've never heard before. I took it back to the dealer two days later; he had the service guy drive it and they both claim the noise is normal and just due to the cold. Is it the belt? Is it the cold? Am I losing my mind?
You're not losing your mind. Your dealer, on the other hand, is an imbecile. Take it back to another dealer, have them diagnose it, send the bill to the original monkey dealer.
I have the same noise when I accelerate without warming the engine. Once the engine is warmed up it goes away. This is only in the winter for me on a cold engine.
take it back to the same dealer, tell them you don't appreciate being scammed. fix the noise and give you your money back for a belt that doesn't need to be replaced until 100,000 miles or so. threaten them with attorney general and consumer affairs.