This morning I went out to warm my car up for a few minutes because it has been so cold and when I started it the red triangle warning light stayed on and the consumption screen said "problem" across the top with a little icon in the upper left hand corner that looked similar to a high beam headlight indicator. I turned the car off and started it again wondering if it would clear which it did not. I left it running and went inside to get my child and by the time I came out it had cleared itself. In typing this I recall that I thought it stayed on a little longer than normal the other day and just ignored it thinking it was still in lamp test mode on initial start up. If I take it to the dealer will the error still be logged even though it had cleared ? Or should I even bother ? Keith
Ok, Im assuming the level and condition was good then. How about the 12v battery? Have you checked its condition?
Its got to be bad, after 10 years. And to be original - I have a hard time believing that anyways, but just in case, I think you win the PriusChat award for having the oldest 12v battery to make it this long!!! I'd test it again asap. Under 12.6v, and you've got yourself a paperweight.
I assume that the car is driving properly otherwise. That icon I believe is for the headlight leveling sensor. You don't indicate where you are located, but if I guess that you are in the snowy salty NE, then it is likely that the sensor will have corroded and it failed the self test at start up. It is not critical to replace it right away, especially if you don't drive at night with a load in the back. It serves to adjust the headlights up and down based on load. There are pictures and more info in other threads here. Happens often enough.
The OP purchased this vehicle with more than 200k on it based on recent postings. So, actually, OP probably has no real way to know if the car is on it's first off the boat 12-v battery or the third battery without pulling it apart and looking for date codes. My first question, having been there myself would be HOW was the 12V tested. As I learned the hard way myself, there are ways to test that don't really tell the actual state of the 12V. Once the 12V is found to to be bad or good, go from there.
Thanks for this response in particular. The seller did tell me that the headlight sensor was bad and that he saw this light come on a few times but hasn't seen it in awhile. He had the dealer look at it and gave him a price but decided against paying for it at the time. Over the last few days I have actually been leveling the headlights manually because I couldn't see anything so maybe I irritated the condition? I just couldn't find a description for that icon in the manual other than "take it to the dealer" so I was unaware tha this was the light he may be referring to. Im not ruling out the 12V though and I am still planning on replacing it since the seller told me it was original. Although Steve is right, I guess there is really no way to tell for sure. Thanks, Keith
I completely read over the high beam icon on the MFD (smacks forehead) - that would point to a problem with the automatic leveling headlights. Still, at that mileage, the engine oil should be checked very regularly. It never hurts to test the 12v battery often as well.
Actually, not what I said, or if I did, I did not mean it. I should say that you can test your 12V a few different ways, and to be honest, I don't really understand the difference between the values that show up for one test vs another test. I just know that sometimes, if you test it how I did the first time I tested it, you get values with names like "surface charge" or something. And those values do not give you the real state of your 12V There are instructions on here about how to test your 12V, poke around or maybe someone will post them here. I am not up on it enough to help you there. Just know that you need to do the "right test" and that WILL tell you the state of the battery. While I very much doubt it is the original, if it is...well.... Also, again, no expert, but there is no way I believe that the headlight warning would cause the master triangle to show up.
Maybe this link will help on testing 12v Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat
If that means that you were adjusting the screws at the actual headlights, then no it wouldn't make any difference with the leveling sensor and its self check at start up. It is just a factor of corrosion and eventual failure of that part, given salt on the road.
Just an FYI when/if anyone else runs into this alarm; It turns out the headlight sensor malfunction does cause the master triangle light to illuminate as well as the icon on the MFD. I came across this youtube video of a guy rebuilding his. He actually took a video of the dash before and after he rebuilt the sensor. I tried to post the link but it did not work Keith
Mine did this too. The sensor was replaced under warranty or recall. Definitely get the battery checked. Remember GIGO- garbage in garbage out.