Sorry if this is a dumb question but my last car (also a Prius) came with a CD/Cassette player and a lot has changed in the car audio world. The specs say that the stereo includes an Mp3 player. How do you get the mp3s from your computer onto the MP3 player?
also, you can create an mp3 cd, will hold about 700 mb of music…that's what I do, since my Prius doesn't have a USB port
You can rip the CDs and create folders on your hard drive of all you music. You can then copy them to a flash drive. I typically create folders with the performers names and then copy all of their albums to that folder. The way it figures out album names is screwy and after a year still haven't figured it out. Instead I create a playlist in each subfolder of all the songs. When you power up the Prius it figures out all the playlists and allows you to select by playlist. I also create playlists of favorite songs and keep those at the top level. I then create a file with the following commands (ignore the lines that begin with : - they are commented out) and drop the file in each folder. Call it anything you like but the type has to be .bat Double click on it and it will create a playlist file, with a .m3u file type with the folder name. When you select by Playlist, these are the names that will show up. @echo off :dir /o:n /b *.mp3 *.wma > Playlist.m3u :dir /b *.mp3 *.wma > Playlist.m3u :for %%* in (.) do set a=%%~n* for %%i in (.) do set a=%%~ni%%~xi :echo %a%.m3u set b=%a%.m3u echo Creating %b% echo "Press return to exit" dir /b *.mp3 *.wma > Playlist.m3u rename "Playlist.m3u" "%b%" pause>nul
I'm a bit confused. Is there a hard drive in the car stereo where you can store music or just a port where you can plug in an ipod? One of the car sites I was perusing had MP3 Player listed under audio specs for the Prius 3 so I assumed there was an actual built in MP3 player. Thanks.
The head unit will play MP3s. It can read them from a CD or a flash drive plugged into the USB port inside the center console (the same one used to link in your iPhone).
The unit should pull the ID information from the MP3 file itself. If you use a program that lets you edit the ID information of an MP3, you can correct/add it if it is missing. My unit has no problems getting the Artist/Song info correct...which is all that shows when it plays.
Foobar 2000 is a freeware media player for your laptop, desktop or tablet where you can edit all the information of your music files before you add them to a USB drive or phone. Trader's Little Helper is another freeware program where you can easily convert different music file formats, i.e. Flac to MP3, shn to MP3 and vice versa.