I have been lurking for a bit; reading up and whatnot, but yesterday joined the club. I am a new owner of a 2015 prius three with a solar roof. It has only been a day, but I already love the damn thing. Thank you all for the your great input on the car. Off to read the manual...
We love pics here. Post up when you can pls. What color did you get? The solar roof option is sweet.... I wish that was an option on my persona..
What is this manual you speak of? Will my Kindle read it for me? Or better yet, to me as a bedtime story?
Unfortunately my car didn't stay clean very long due to my commute; those darn bugs, and then it rained today too. I will post some soon though. And the car is classic silver. Haven't used the roof yet, but do enjoy the view.
welcome to the chat!!! sfprankster…I have a PDF of my owners manual, I will load it to my iPad and see if text-to-speech works and see if it can read the manual to me
mpgstho, Welcome to the forums! I wish the solar roof was an option on the v, but I love it nonetheless. I know what you mean about loving the car though. Enjoy your new car!
Welcome and congrats on signing your life away! Financially of course, the Prius is a great car. Never thought I'd get one cause I had always made fun of those cars. Then I got one and fell in love with it, no regrets. Tho my husband ardently makes fun of it. Who listens to husbands anyway?! lol!
You can always have an aftermarket sunroof installed on your v! Obviously won't be "solar" but would still be nice to let some fresh air and natural light in at a fraction of the cost of the solar option thats not evan available.