I have had my used 2006 Prius for a couple of years and the passenger side headlight has been fine, but the driver's side headlight I had to replace in October, and now, in February the low beams don't work on the driver's side but the high beams do. I did not check in October if the high beams on the old light were working. Could there be some electrical short someplace, or what might be going on? I don't want to replace the light again if something else is causing the problem. I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions - thanks! Brian
if you got any moisture, grease, sweat or anything on the bulb it will fail early. do not touch the bulb at all when installing it. also, if you keep your headlights on all the time, they won't last as long.
The most common reason for this is a failed bulb. It has however also been caused by bad connections on the bulb connector showing as melted burnt plastic. The connector can be cheaply replaced if that is the problem. There is also a separate fuses for each operation on each headlamp (4 fuses), but for one of these to blow would usually mean a fault else ware. The fuses are in the fuse box under the hood and are clearly marked. If it was caused by contamination of the envelope of the bulb (fingers, grease) both sections of the bulb would have failed. John (Britprius)