Trying to find the cleanest, most oem camera itself as well as the cleanest solution for a screen/monitor of some sort. I have an audiophile deck and will not downgrade to a crappy oem touchscreen or large screen aftermarket deck with tons of unnesscary options. If I could get a pioneer with a nice screen and the sane proms my deck has now I would, that market is apparently nonexistent. Any help or suggestions. Thinking maybe a small screen mounted in front of the cupholders? A rearview mirror/backup cam screen that ISN'T cheesy/completely garbage.
I have the Gentex mirror. Its great. Mine is autodimming with compass and temperature. My friend bought and install this one from ebay Car 4 3" Rearview Mirror Monitor with Mount for Hyundai Toyota Mitsubishi Civic | eBay Its pretty decent quality. Looks OEM.
The only different in quality between my gentex and the ebay version is that the glass in the ebay version is slightly less quality. The glass is a bit "darker" on the ebay version. Other than that, the video quality is about the same. I do not recall the model number of my gentex mirror. You can look on their site for a full list of models.