Hi. I've got a 2008 Prius which I bought used last summer. It works quite well except for one behavior: In cold weather, sometimes, the car either does not start at all, or starts without the dashboard gauges lighting up. I've had the complete diagnostic at a Toyota dealer, and nothing shows up. However, yesterday, in 9 degree weather, the car had to be jump started, and today in similar weather the car started, but the gauges do not light up, and the car does not seem to be fully powered. Any suggestions as to the cause, a remedy, or some way to reset the electrical system? Is there any safety issue in driving with only partial power, other than not being able to see the speedometer?
Thanks for the reply. You know, that was my thought as well, but Toyota claims that they fully tested the battery, and it is okay. I think they'd hope to sell me a new one, so I suspect they are telling the truth. Any recommendations on batteries?
We have heard that a lot, on what turn out to be bad batteries. Try the test method here: Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery
It is not the battery it is the display that is faulty. This should be replaced free of charge by the dealer. The dealer does not need to see the fault and should act on your word alone that the fault exists. There is a TSB on this problem. Do a search on "Combination meter TSB" John (Britprius)
I should have added this is a common problem in cold weather, and Toyota greatly extended the guarantee on the combination meter because of the problem. T-SB-0172-09.pdf Prius Combination Meter Warranty Extension John (Britprius)
That is VERY INTERESTING -- it is exactly what has happened. Curiously, I had the car gone over by Toyota about a month ago, and they never mentioned this program, despite having described the symptoms to them. I'll have to call them again.
When you contact the dealer make a point of the fact that under the terms of the warranty extension it is not required that the dealer sees the problem, only that you report the problem. Print out the letter above and take it with you in case they deny the existence of extension. If that does not work take up the problem with Toyota directly. Some dealers are good others not so. John (Britprius)
Thanks again, Britprius. I made an appointment for later today. The service manager, despite my having read him the terms and him acknowledging seeing the two documents on Toyota's web site said that even so they must still test the car. I pointed out that whether they can duplicate the conditions or not they must fix it, and he stuck to having to test it. However, he also said that 1) it would take a few days to fix, 2) it would require us to leave the car while the fix is being done, and 3) of course they would give us a loaner vehicle during that time. So it looks like this dealership will do it, and simply needs to "save face". I'll report back later.
The important thing here is that it is not going to cost you a penny. I do wonder how many dealers have selective memory loss when it comes to this sort of thing. I think they prefer to take large amounts of money from the customer "profit" perhaps including a hire car than to take the fixed fee that Toyota pay for the same work. Is this just me being cynical. John (Britprius)
Well, I had to sit in the Toyota waiting room for about an hour and a half, but they finally came out and said yes, the replacement will be made free of charge, and I get a loaner. The loaner has a limit of 100 miles a day, and I drove 65 miles to the dealer, which means that I will be somewhat limited. However, they will not have the car ready till at least Monday, so that's 5 days. I don't think I'll drive 500 miles, even including the 130 round trip to the dealer. The reason that I cannot take the car is that the odometer reading has to be set manually into the display by the manufacturer, and it would not be correct if I drove after the dealer had recorded the mileage. Anyway, John, thanks again!
Yes I do no that the millage has to be programmed into the new display by Toyota. Please let us know how things work out finally. John (Britprius)