So we have had our 2006 Prius since October 2012. We bought it from the original owner with 68k miles and the top of the line package at an excellent price. My wife and I live in MA and travel to VT a lot to see my friends and family, and we also camp and go all over the place. We have managed to get the mileage up to 129k as of today. This was our first 'newer' car so we did most of the dealer recommended maintenance and it hasn't been too expensive. In December, the check engine light came on. Dealer said it was EVAP and convinced my wife to pay $29 for a new gas cap - I've since read that 99% of the time this is the cause. Three days later, the light comes back on. I took it in this time and they run a diagnostic test involving pressuring the system and it apparently failed that. They were 'kind enough' to waive the $100 for the test but then informed me the tank was rusted and needed to be replaced, as well as the charcoal canisters and potentially the fuel pump and sensor, depending on how bad it is once they get it off. They quoted be $1750 to replace the tank and canisters and said it could run up to $2k/$3k depending on what they find. Other places I've been to said around $1100 (for the tank/canisters). I have only had one car in the past that needed the tank replaced and I traded it in rather than fix it. Is this 'normal wear' for a 9 year old car, even in New England? Possibly the last owner was not good about washing the car in the winter to remove road salt? Considering that the car is valued at around $5k, I am really debating whether this is worth it or if I should attempt to trade it in and go newer. I love the car and all the features (leather, JBL sound, backup camera, etc) and won't be able to afford that in a newer model but I don't want to put money into a sinking ship either. Just looking for some opinions and guidance!
What part of what tank was rusted? The GenII Prius (2004-2009) in North America does not have a tank, it has a fuel bladder. It can get corroded and throw codes if you overfill the bladder. No this is not "normal wear" for any Prius. The bladder is normally annoying to those in cold climates not being able to fill it all the way up, but it doesn't fail. Since it has been cold and it is "new-ish" to you, have you ever tried to pump as much fuel as possible in? You think it is a "12 gallon tank", you're almost empty and only 6 gallons go in... Do you then attempt to put the extra 5-6 gallons in there by holding the pump lever down?
I am not sure exactly what part is rusted - I was aware of the fuel bladder and never try to put in more gas once it clicks. Especially in the winter when the size of it seems to vary. I just assume the bladder is encased in some sort of metal container. Should I push back on the specifics of what is rusted?
If you get the error codes and post them here we can be much more specific on what the problem is likely to be. The should be listed on the invoice. It is rare for the tank to give problems, but it is also possible to fit a tank from a wreck to save money. These will be not expensive as there must be lots of them available as they are not normally problematic. John (Britprius)
i would get a second opinion from another dealer. at that price, it's worth the $100. if you have to. don't tell them that you went to the other dealer. if they say the same thing, ask them to show you the corrosion.
The code on the invoice is P0456. It stated the fuel tank was rusted and leaking evaporative fumes. Fuel tank and canisters need replacing.
According to my list of trouble codes P0456 is not a legitimate code. Perhaps PC member Patrick Wong will confirm this. John (Britprius)
If you take it to another Toyota dealer, it will likely have the history in their database, so you won't be fooling them. If you search here, there is at least one thread about a rusting gas tank neck. If it truly is leaking, but it might be possible to patch that. Otherwise, I'd follow what John said above about getting a salvaged one installed. You might look on Auto Parts Market for pricing.
DTC P0456 is a valid DTC for North American Prius and points to a small evaporative emissions control system leak. As previously suggested you should look into having a used part installed as that would likely afford a substantial savings. For example try
Thanks for the information Patrick. The list I have stops at P0455 (gross system leak) so I will add P0456 minor leak. My list must also apply to the US Prius as the rest of the world does not have the emissions leak detection along with the lack of fuel tank bladder. John (Britprius)
Thanks everyone - much appreciated. I got a 2nd opinion. They did a pressurized smoke test and the only leak they found was at the filler neck. They said the tank and canisters appear fine. Quoted me $350 for the fix and said they were 'pretty confident' this was the issue. Seems a bit more reasonable..
This sounds much more reasonable. I have heard odd reports of the fuel filler neck leaking. Being in the UK where the fuel tank system is very different it is difficult to offer first hand knowledge of the US system. John (Britprius)
The parts are actually pretty cheap. If they tell you which seal, it's pretty easy to replace. Here are diagrams and parts numbers as well as prices. 2006 Toyota Prius Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping
Thank YOU Rude person's on the hot tip where to buy a tank! OEM and not too expensive to ship to Maui! One day fedex... I get mine tomorrow!
Ummm I meant to say THANK YOU to Rude person's on the hot tip as to where to buy a new tank... Sorry. Darn spell check!