Every now and then I go to some of the "Prius Haters" pages on Face Book. Heres some of the newest crap I found.
This photo looks familiar. I think it happened in San Diego, about the same time I first heard about PriusChat. Here is the 2008 PC thread, though all the linked stories and photos are now dead: Dodge Ram vs. Prius - Bad Accident The pickup driver crossed the centerline, and ended up sentenced to jail. The Prius driver had the rear seats down to haul cargo, and was hurt more from his own unsecured cargo than from the primary collision. And the overhead shots from before the Prius was cut open showed that its roof and passenger compartment appeared intact, while the pickup's roof was quite noticeably crinkled and cab partially collapsed. The truck driver was also seriously injured. The Prius' strength in this specific crash helped convince me to consider it as a future choice. A bit over a year later, I bought one, the newly released 2010.
I don't know. Whatever... At least I'm not driving a vehicle that inspires indifference or apathy. Everyone at least has an opinion about The Prius and Prius drivers. I think if you REALLY dislike or hate a vehicle or make blanket judgments about owners and drivers? Well you need a better hobby.
Not new. Toyota does a good job at cars, as expected. Some parents have failed their son's education. Some of them are allowed to drive, and others to post their frustrations. It's a free world.
Chill dudes, have you seen the hate spew out of here for SUV's, Pickup trucks and just about anything else that wasn't a Prius? You can excuse it by citing environmental concerns or something else but it's still hate and that ain't cool. Loved my Prius but needed something bigger so I had to sell, I'll get another soon because the damn things are downright handy and just about the best designed vehicle, other than a pickup, I've ever seen.
Lol! I've never considered the "10mm short" to be a "big gun"....but I'll admit that I still wouldn't want to get shot with one. I've got close to 80,000 miles in type, and I drive on the Redneck Riviera. LOTS of misspelled tattoos, People of WalMart photo contest winners, and truck nutz. I'm sorry, but I just don't see a lot of Prius hate. I "have" seen some Prius haters.....meaning people who drive Priuses hating on HMMWVs, diesel dorks, and 4x4 drivers. I've also had the pleasure of driving on both coasts, and I guess if my commute were longer than 10 minutes then traffic issues would be a bigger part of my life. Prius hate....if it does really exist in the wild, is a consequence of Prius smugness.....which also doesn't really exist in the wild, but hey.....stereotypes exist for a reason I suppose..... Smug Alert! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!
I think the majority of it all is really just good natured humor on both sides. My friend makes fun of my running Prius. I make fun of his usually broken down Dodge Pick-Up. I'm way ahead on points.
I own both!!!! Thats why I carry a Gun, Seriously I haven't really see Prius hate in this part of Texas. I do get a lot of funny looks from big trucks when I clean their clocks taking off at a light.
If I was going up against large 4x4's? I'd want this and yes this is a . . . BIG GUN it would go through both side of any V8 engine block and put an end to this S#!t instantly. . . I could call it self-defense as I have asthma! Can't wait for that AssHat to come running over to my window through all that smoke and right into the business end of a Smith & Wesson .460 Xtreme Velocity Revolver. They hunt Water Buffalo with it, 200gr-400gr bullets up to 2300 fps. I've shot the 5" and it's easily managable by most adults within a few lessons. It will kill 4X4's with one shot!
Road-rage is an equal opportunity employer . . . like stupidity. I drive my Prius using the rear view mirror almost as much as the front. I have learned how to find slow traffic to hide behind, the naturally occurring slow traffic, so nobody even notices. Based upon a U of Mich study that followed a credible protocol, about 40% of new car driver would not consider a hybrid ... or a Volt. When I see GM ads and their 'agent' press releases finally saying hybrids are a good idea ... never happen GI. Bob Wilson
Are those Green PHEV Stickers on a regular Prius? Good for the truck to roll coal all over him (or her), serves him (or her) right. Last I checked the Prius Plug-in didn't come out until 2012 (those tail lights are 2010-2011), and is still not sold in black.
Anyone remember the occasional TV story: "What if everybody knew your every thought?" Now we have the internet, and the answer is not hypothetical. Some opinions are better left unvoiced as it makes the person opining look like a spiteful kindergarten playground brat.
Flaming anomalously on the internet is one thing - being identifiable is another. Occasionally someone vents on Facebook and either is turned down for a job or fired - no sympathy.
Rolling coal isn't new. Before the Prius, they were doing it to passerbys which I think is worse cause you have no defense from the soot. You can google/youtube it.
My only significant first-hand experience with it was as a bicyclist, in a major event, before the Prius era.