My Internet Explorer is completely hooped this morning. I've not installed anything of late, I think. Well, mighta updated ITunes in the last day or two. And Windows could have done an update in the background. Using FireFox (shudder) right now. Just wondering if anyone else is having problems? I'm running Windows 7 32bit, latest IE, version 11 something? I tried through control panel, to put all IE settings back to defaults, no difference.
It's trying to tell you to use Chrome or any other browser available, politely. I'd be concerned about a malicious program inhibiting my computer. Start,run, (type) msconfig, go to the start tab, see anything fishy? Uncheck everything, restart the computer, try Internet explorer again. Nothing needs to start with the computer, you can start anything you need when you need it.
Did a general check for updates, Java popped up an update dialogue, I told it to check for updates, it said I was up to date, closed it, IE started working again. So there you go. Microsoft assistant was pretty much useless: most of the fixes required running IE...
Agree, Chrome or Firefox is the way to go. If PC starts to act up, time to scan for viruses or hard drive bad clusters.
Unfortunately Explorer is required at times for some of us. Mendel if you must have it, in addition to Chrome and/or Firefox, roll back it back to Explorer 10 and set Google as your default search engine as Bing is good for nothing. Also...bump your security when in use. Hope this helps.
I stopped using IE the last time PC got updated. A few other sites weren't working quite right either. I asked my friend about it and he said that it's because IE is interpreting HTML correctly. Firefox and Chrome are proliferating the use of sloppy HTML. All I know is all my websites work with Chrome, so I switched.
I only use Explorer to connect to work server and load some drivers. I find Chrome best for daily usage. Mozilla/Firefox used to be good, but find my security works overtime while on their servers in the last few. YMMV
Re: Java (presumably Oracle, formerly Sun), is there some reason why you have it installed? Unless you have something that requires the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit) (see Java SE - Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle), I'd uninstall it from Programs and Features. If you must have it installed for some reason (e.g. you run something that requires the Java VM or you do Java development), unless you often visit sites that for some reason require Java (NOT Javascript!!!) in the browser, I'd disable it in browsers via Control Panel > Java > Security. Uncheck Enable Java content in the browser. It seems Oracle's Java VM has tons of security holes and is often targeted. If you have no reason for an increased attack surface, disable it in browsers or remove it.
"Awesome" communique. " Don't call us. We'll call you. If we feel like it. And LOL that you use Windows. "
^^^ Hey... I'm a PC guy. I use Windows at home and it's fine. Started w/PCs w/DOS 2.0 (which added support for directories and hard drives (aka "rigid disks" in IBM speak back then), LOL). Back then the PC XT had just come out and came with a 10 MB hard drive. At work, I use a Mac but my work is mostly a Mac shop. It's ok. I did Mac software QA for a living for 4 years (at a company that's a predominately a Windows shop), so I'm plenty used to the Mac.
It's weird, yesterday it was enabled, without any intervention by me. In the throes of trying to resolve the IE problem, trying various things, ome Oracle dialogue popped up about updating, I clicked sure, and it responded that it was up to date. This morning it was disabled, again without any action on my part. One irritant I have with Windows 7, in general, is the decision to HIDE the pull down menus (to get to add-on management), in most programs. I know the secret hand shake (ALT key) to temporarily display them, but it's basically a pain. Thanks for the specific to my problem feedback, btw. I don't mind the "why don't you switch browsers/operating system" comments, but...
I have to use IE at work, and I'll admit that Chrome, Safari (which I'm also forced to use) and FF are all just about equally aggravating. Except for Chrome, my posts here are just about equally divided between them. My IE is behind an intranet and VPN, so it's working about as poorly as it usually does. I haven't noticed anything unusual lately.
I like the bookmark setup in IE, it's the devil I know. Use Firefox once in a while, mainly for more security with dodgy sites.