It is a personal choice. And a big part of the reason I talked myself into getting the Sea Glass Pearl was that the vehicle I had owned previously was black. But really? I found with keeping a good coat of wax on using instant wax sprays/detail spray..I could keep it looking good fairly easy. I think the idea that black is "impossible" to keep looking good isn't true. All colors get dirty, a black car is just more "honest" in that it will show. I had lot's of tricks I used to extend the "clean" looking period in between washing. Of course the climate where I live has a lot of rain. So the black car was always getting "cleaned" naturally. I'd get a black car again. Or maybe a gray. But it is personal. You either like them and think it is worth whatever extra commitment you want to make to cleaning them, or you don't. PS. I don't HATE Seaglass Pearl. It's kind of a mercurial color. In the evening and night I actually think it looks like a light gray, or bluish silver. Which I do like. My brother gives me a bad time about owning a "Baby Blue" Toyota Prius.
I can understand the heckling over it. Lol. But I still think it looks awesome. Like I said earlier, tint and blk wheels on sea glass look great. I have found that"Liquid Glass" is the best stuff out there for keeping a black car looking as it should.
There are as much pro as con so you get opposite advice. Most important can you wait? Or you need car now? when Gen4 comes out discounts on Gen3 will be insane, but the colors/option availability will be spotty.
My 2012 Silver level 5 is coming off a 3 year lease in a few months. I can buy it or trade it or walk away. I'm thinking of buying it, waiting until the mad rush for the gen 4 is over, then stepping into one when the discounts start up in a year or so. That's provided that Toyota doesn't step on their shoe strings and trip in their effort to further the Prius. If they do, I'll still have a gen 3 level 5 that has served us well.
It wasn't quite $5,000 off but it was well into the $4,000s. That did include the $1250 rebate for going through tFS for financing. I had $8,200 negative equity from my trade in, which hurt. A lot, but I put $5,000 cash down. When I get my tax return, I'll put another $5-10,000 towards it. All in all, it was a good deal. Ended up skipping the warranty because I won't need it, but I did get gap.
The wheels without covers don't look so good to me: They look like wheels that are designed to have covers on them. They're hollowed out near the rim edges to to fit the wheelcovers. The PiP wheels look proper without covers cause they are designed as bare alloy wheels. Anyrate Sea Glass Pearl, I wouldn't get it. I'm not into light colors on cars. No light blues or greens. Must be dark, then I like. And no, that's not my motorcycle I'm sitting on in avatar. Mine is the black one behind it.
Pay that (those) cars off. Cars are so not worth having a debt hanging over head for. Whatever extra income you get, toss it on the flames (the loan). Eventually it will be 0 balance.
That is absolutely, 100% my plan. That's why I got out of the malibu. Didn't love it. The Prius is something I'll be happy with for at least 3 years, and will still have a good resale value at that time.
Solid advice, and it seems like that's what op is going to be doing anyways. Put the extra money towards the principal to help pay it down. You can alway refinance the loan next year after you've made those big payments and that would significantly lower your monthly payment. That is unless you opted for the TFS 0% loan, at that rate your not paying any interest at all so I'd just keep making my payments as is. 8k upside down really blows and you def don't want to continue that pattern on your next car as you can easily bury yourself.
add some black and darker gray pin striping, not only will it break up the massive expanse of sea glass, giving it a more masculine appearance, it will coordinate with the black wheels and gray covers
wait…you bought that at Tansky! We were just there a few ago to talk to service department to see if the recall notice from last year was addressed on my car
you must be crazy…or determined, and Tansky IS that good of a dealership, IMHO…. well…that was yesterday, the weather was much better yesterday than it is today
Dealer Dealers up here didn't want to give me anything for the malibu, and didn't want to negotiate price much at all. My parents have bought from tansky before, and I've taken my old Prius and camry in for service when I still lived in Dublin, so I shot over an email and they hooked me right up.
their loss! You got a really good car from a really good dealer (as if you didn't already know)…now you can take your Prius to the dealers up there and tell them "this is the car I got somewhere else when you weren't willing to deal"…(just kidding…I believe in karma and that wouldn't be a very good thing to say…) …or would you bring it down here to Tansky for service??
I'll probably have it serviced there since my parents are still in the area and I go down pretty often.
Nice color, seems to me that Sea Glass Pearl is: Silver as base then add green and a little bit of blue hue, looks silver to me at night.