Well, the last day I drove about 600 miles in sub freezing temps.....lowest was about 11 and highest temp was 26. Yesterday with strong winds and temps around 13, real mpg was about 38.3 On the return, I did a bit of testing....For 30 miles, I ran at 70mph, and the v computer showed 38.9mpg. next 60 miles I set the cc at 62, drove the same and v computer showed 45.2mpg. Ambient temp was around 22.... Most of my miles have been below freezing so I'm hoping to see even better increases as spring comes around. O, I had the temp on auto, usually about 70....ac off.
On a semi-related issue, the post at the top of this forum on winter mileage has a link that I think is supposed to take you to some threads on this issue. The link is broken, and the posting is locked against replies (which is why I'm posting here). Can someone who manages this forum fix that?
When you find such broken links, try the 'Report' link at the bottom of the post. That will notify the moderators. PC has moved to new website software and structure several times, causing many broken links.