hi All I have a gen2 prius with a pis phev kit fitted done by myself, only the pcb's and contactors fuse and harness is pis the rest is my own supplied batteries and battery connecting cables and cables from the pis contactors to the prius oem battery connection. The kit has been installed and running well since the install, but over the past few days I have been getting this trouble code P3009 high voltage power short circuit, code was read with techstream that I have on my pc. The trouble code alarms when the kit is in the on position, whether is blended or ice kill. when the kit is switched off there is no trouble code, I have done 50 miles today with the kit off and no trouble code. I am thinking I have a bad connection / loose wire on the kit side of the wiring harness, or could the increased kit voltage be causing issues with the prius inverter, oem battery or mg motors.... Any ideas where to start to diagnose the fault. When I get time after the holiday period and the kids are back in school I can then spend time to find the issue, starting with a wiring check on the kit, battery connections etc.... Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Check out my thread: Dealer service says replace Transaxle Assembly P3009 + 526 info codes | PriusChat
Hi mj, I would say you and I have the same kit issue. I have read your thread, it seems the same issue. I'll contact robb and ask his advice to see what he suggests. What I have observed since I have had the kit fitted, there is a black component on the rear pcb that gets very hot, there's no Id or label on the part, but damn it gets hot, the rest of the pcb is cold as normal. I'll update you if robb comes back with any advice maybe you'll have the confidence then to use the kit again, the kit until now has been excellent, and in my case, due to buying a used kit, has already paid for itself, and if the kit goes tits up broke, I can always utilise the lifepo4 battery pack to use as an energy store with my 10kw solar array. I'll post back when I get more news
Thanks for the feedback. At this point the PIS kit is uninstalled and sitting in a box in the garage. I have no plans to use it again. The battery situation is pretty much the same...sitting out in the garage. Since I have the LEAF which fills my needs for 98% of my trips, the Prius gets minimal use. My wife recently has been driving it for errands, but not driving very far (I put the 12v battery on a charger every once in a while to be sure it stays charged). Aside from that, the Prius won't be used for much of anything until I have a need to go on a 75+ mile trip.
Hi mj, It seems that the fatal error code p3009 has now been fixed. I was getting rainwater leaking into the trunk area of the prius though 2 well known slight cracks by the top of the hatch door and roof strip joints. I sealed up both cracks ( one on each side) and trsted, no more water getting in. It took quite a while for the inside of the car to dry out, under the headlining was saturated to be honest although from cabin side the headlining was dry. With the sun shining and car all sealed I would get condensation as the moisture couldn't get out of the car, now that the car is "dry" no more moisture or condensation, and the p3009 error has gone away. So it would seem that the rear pcb was suffering from moisture / condensation contamination and throwing the codes. I have also placed the rear pcb in an enclosure to try further to eliminate any further or future condensation or moisture issues. It's been 2 weeks now with no codes being thrown and at its worst the coeds would throw on every journey and within minutes of the start o f the journey. Hope this helps someone in the future. Anthony.
Well, that sounds like a possibility. I have had rain leaking in over on the other side where the 12v battery lives. I went so far as to drill a hole in the bottom of the well so it would drain out. I would hope so too...if anyone has an interest in pieces of my used system, send me a message.
Sorry, dont quite understand what you are asking? If its fitting the kit, i bought a kit form the USA a full kit minus the batteries and battery box. Purchased my own batteries, and installed them along with the PIS kit. There is a good PIS installation tutorial, well documented with pictures, a very good instruction.
You already answered my questions. That was what I meant. Thought you made those kits yourself. Any links on the installation kit video, pls?
gosh, its been a while, it was a web page and a log in supplied by robb at PIS. I cannot remember ither the log in or the web address sorry, it has been too long. Ive also changed my computer twice since so cannot go back through my history to find any information sorry
after some digging around, heres the link and info for installation that i actually used when installing my plugin supply kit. Lots of inf here. Plug-In Supply Do It Yourself (DIY) Plug-In Conversion Kits - Assembly and Installation Instructions