I hear this loud grunt noise coming from engine area or brake area at random times, not all the time. I can feel the grunt, sounds bad. 1. Coming to a complete stop hard, grunt. 2. After shutting car off, stepping out of car and 3sec later GRUNT... 3. Idling sometimes it grunts out of no where. Is this normal or? Its my first prius.
Maybe it is hungry Seriously, the car makes all kinds of strange sounds either powered on or powered off and sitting a few minutes. The brake accumulator is one of those weird sounds the car makes after it has been powered off for a moment or so. Eventually you won't even hear the sounds as your ears will be so used to the car talking to you Mike
It does sound like its coming from the brake, foot area now that you mention it...it kinda sounds like a pump? Just making sure its not something I have to bring into the dealer.
The brake accumulator. It is fine I used to stand in my garage waiting to hear all the weird noises my car made after powering off and closing the door when I first bought it. Now I just chuckle when it talks to me Mike
Wait around a couple of hours after turning off the car to hear some other weird sounds. Or find better uses for your time.
Might get some interesting looks if you went into the service department and told 'em your Prius has developed a grunt Mike
i would go back and drive another one to compare, doesn't sound kosher to me. the brake accumulator is a buzzing sound that lasts 5-10 seconds. it happens on every initial opening of the drivers door.
Pretty sure mine makes a grunt too occasionally. If you're still worried about it, record the noise sometime and post it. We can tell you if we've heard it before or not.
I've heard Pearl S do it as well. From the owners manual, paraphrasing, "any sound your Prius makes is normal".
It doesnt do it opening the door. Def feel like something in the brake system now that I really listen to it. But its just strange it does it when im not even touching the brakes or even in the car. Its just random, not even everyday so prob normal like everyone is saying. Thank you prius members! I can't record it cause I dont know when its going to happen...