I have the WeatherTech floor liners; got them during the summer. While we had some rains storms in the Boston area, they seemed to do their job. However, once the winter weather came they were useless. It seems that on the driver's side the design basically made a drain off when it was designed to allow the gas cap access to remain in the open. No matter how much shaking off of the boots, snow and slush comes in on the bottoms; in and out a couple of times and you soon have a large runoff in the area making the rug under the liner a mess. Also, the areas for the mat retainers leak like a sieve. They are a two piece design. I have removed the retainers on the floor and caulked the liner openings to try to stop the flow of water. All said, I have used these mats in several vehicles in the past; having had to fill the openings also to keep the slop/water from leaking, but it was never this bad. The sides were always able to keep the stuff in. I contacted WeatherTech but no response. Does anyone here have the Husly Weatherbeater liners on their Prius v (lowercase v for the prius v wagon) that could post a pic of what this area looks like? I want to try them if they do not have the same design flaw.
In MA you are dealing with very exceptional conditions this winter (and only getting worse tomorrow). Put enough liquid on top of any mat and how do you contain it in an environment with as many motions as a car? The front is up, the front is down, the left is up, the left is down. Without getting the edges 3 inches high? I do recall in my CRV occasionally dumping after getting a lot of snow. My carpets after 10 years were pristine.
I reported this problem with the cutout area for the gas door release in another floor mat thread on PC a long time ago. I have also reported it to WeatherTech at least twice, with no reply from them. In sloppy weather, I keep a small towel in the car and sop up the melted snow every day when I get home.
I have the Husky Liners. It is the middle of the night here so I am a little lazy to go and check, but the liner is a bump over the retaining clips, meaning no hole to drain anything, and there is a lip where yours looks like a drain! (Going to try to attach pics from my phone....) I actually picked Husky Liners over Weathertech in the first place because of their lifetime warranty vs. some amount of years with Weathertech....
I got some pics from Husky on the Weatherbeaters, it looks like that area around the gas cap release is about 2" high and that is what I was told also, so it should not be an issue. I ordered them and they should be in this week. I wonder if all Weathertech liners have this flaw around the gas release lever on liners for other models. The Weathertechs would be ok as long as you are not in an area of snow, but, this is a flaw.
Once you get the Husky's in, it will be interesting to see if there is an impact of the additional height of the mat edge on your ability to trigger the gas filler-lid lever. And how they deal with the attachment hole. In rethinking my trunk mat overflow, your postings got me thinking of the tradeoffs of having 1" higher lips on the mats. I decided for 99% of the people and 99% of the time, the current heights were where they should be because higher would just make sliding boxes etc over those edges more difficult. Once liquid starts sloshing, it will climb up the sides of almost any height. And slosh it will as our cars take turns and the roads change grades. I'd rather be cautious in what I expect them to do than have them design for the 1%. I think they made the right call. Your MA snow situation this winter is exceptional (we talk to a Guilford CT SIL every day so have some slight appreciation beyond the news clips). You bring boot tread full amounts of snow onto the mats every day and it never has a chance to dry out so it ultimately gets to a depth where it exceeds the ability of the bumps and channels of the mat surface to slow down the movement of water. That never happened to me in 10 years of using this type of mat in all sorts of winter conditions Thoughts: Bang your boots before you get them in. I might also temporarily dump an old towel toward the back edge of the floor mat to absorb the water so it doesn't get as deep and slosh as much. Take the towel in at night. Happy March ... or April ... or May
Interesting, the Husly Weatherbeaters arrived, fit nice and look nice; the side wall is plenty deep enough and does not interfere with the gas cap release.. However, one problem, the driver's side has the holes for the twist retainers, that is not what the ad shows or the box. I called Husky and they said they are correct. Does anyone here have the Husky Weatherbeaters for the Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon, not an uppercase), what does your driver side mat look like. I see your liners look correct, yours are for a Prius v 2012? The same Weatherbeater model #98911 shows for the 2012 and 2014. I have sent another email to Husky to see if they made changes the design in the last 2 yrs. Why would they "put 2 holes in the bottom of a bucket"??? Update from HUSKY: "We have converted many liners over to using the Toyota “twist-lock” clips as Toyota dealerships continually tell their customers not to use any liner that does not attach to their clips. The images and the CAD data on file do not show the Prius v (lowercase v) as having been changed. "
Hmmm. I am not getting emails telling me a thread I am subscribed to, like this one, has been responded to!!!! I just got through typing that I hope that they do not make holes into the liner, and then started rereading your last post and found that they have! Oh no!!!! They had, (my version has them), very sharp pointy spikes at the bottom to keep them in place, (and do a great job doing so), that I think it unnecessary to make this modification. Toyota has gotten a lot of heat regarding stuck accelerators. I have not received any warning when bringing our Prius (lowercase) v with these floor liners, but I guess that is why they made a change. The pictures I took are of the driver side mat attachment points and area around the gas release from a Prius v with the "old" Husky Weatherbeaters. I can't remember the exact part number for my Weatherbeaters. I will try to check, but the number does sound somewhat familiar. I believe the last digit changes for the color....
I agree, I don't think the holes for the twist retainers are necessary. These mats fit very tight, and with the grips on the bottom, they are not going anywhere. I hope they reverse this decision, maybe if enough of us let them know...."don't put holes in the bottom of a bucket!"
Arrgh! I can not find my receipt! I usually try to organize all my car receipts but I guess my typical sloppiness got the best of me. I did find the instructions in the folder, and there is what seems to be the four digit part number (sans the color code) of "9891", dated "02/10/2012". The picture in the gray scale page does not show the circular area of the cut out like in your picture, but looks like what the pictures I took. I definitely do not like the newer design!.....