I need some quick input from you guys, if you don't mind. When you click on "Upload a file", what are you then seeing? Is it something like this Or does it just pop up a listing of your files for you to upload?
Listing of my files for upload in a regular type windows window, at least on this machine. Win 8 using Chrome
Yup, even though it gives me this error, it works: " The following error occurred There was a problem uploading your file." Edit, ok I tried uploading the images and when they upload I get the above error. They show up with the option to pic thumbnail or full size image but they don't show up in the post.
One more try... Yeah, even though it shows that something is there and gives the option for show it as a thumbnail or fullsize image, they don't show up in the post.
Odd. If I select two or more files they upload but I get the error but it still shows something is there and gives me the option to select thumbnail or full size but they still dont show up in the post. If I only select one image, I still get the error, but it doesn't even show it as 'there' with the otion to select thumbnail or fullsize
Yep, I'm getting the same error with the Flash-based uploader. Good news is, the test site with the updated software is working properly.
Ok, on my iPad i get the pop up like you show in the first post in this thread and it works uploading two images.