Went to a longer than ideal lunch today and handed my C2 to a valet. The battery meter was almost full. It was probably 5-10 degrees F. When I finished lunch, I got the keys back from the valet guy and went in my car to notice it being warmer than expected...and my battery meter down to two bars. My car was the only hybrid in the lot and that dude used it to keep himself warm for two hours!
Damn. Thats a shame. Im sure you are not the only one that has happened to. Probably happens to everybody all the time they use valet. Bring an exotic car and they use it.
Seems odd. When I remote start my C, even with the battery low it always ends up 1 bar above normal full because it must sit there and run. Now if it was hot and you came back and the battery was down sure. But at those temps the car would have kept kicking on to keep the coolant warm for the heater. Try it, your car will never get the battery that low left parked in those temps with heat on. May have been something else going on though?
I've kept the car in neutral w/ e-brake a few times while waiting for people and don't think the ICE kicked in. I'll try to pay more attention next time I take the car out. But youre right, there might have been something else going on. It was just odd and I knew I had to let it go with the valet because there's nothing I can really do about it.
Yes in HSD neutral just means no power can from or go to MG1 or MG2. So it’s impossible to charge hv-battery in neutral.
I've only done it in 2-5 minute intervals (habit from driving stick), but I think the parking attendant may have done this much longer in my car in order to use up almost all of the HV charge
At cold temps like you had, the electric heaters in the C will turn all the way on (three sections). They consume a total of just over 800 watts, not including the blower motor. That will drain the HV battery to a "start ICE" level in pretty short order (like five minutes at full heat). Most likely, only the two 160 watt elements in the grid were coming on, but that will also run it down pretty quick.