I recently changed the front brakes on my gen 2 prius. After I was done and started the car I got the trouble code C1377. I think it has to do with the Brake Control Power Supply. I can find a used part on eBay for between $75 and $100. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on things I should test before attempting to replace the BCPS unit. Thanks!
Try to just reset the car by disconnecting 12V battery. Test 12V battery. How did you disable brakes while changing the pads? Check the connectors between battery and BCPS. Check battery ground wire connections. Check fault code sub code. Check abs fuses.
It is not uncommon to get a brake code after working on the brakes. However I am not sure brake codes can be cleared by disconnecting the 12 volt battery "worth a try". You may need to use a scanner or the method shorting two pins (4 and 13) on the OBD connector. Do a search on clearing code via OBD. The code is for the capacitor block "the black box near the battery in the rear of the car" so if you disconnected the battery as you should when doing the work you may have disturbed the connector to the capacitors. The capacitor block is very reliable, and it seems very unlikely that a fault in it would be caused by working on the brakes "other than by disturbing the wiring. John (Britprius)
Britprius, I saw a post where you recommended the Mini VCI cable with Techstream. I just got it installed yesterday. How can I clear the code with this software and what should I do if it comes back?
If you run Techstream it will show the fault code. On the same screen you will see a button with an eraser Symbol. click on that button to remove the code. Check to see that you have not disturbed any connectors to the black box by the 12 volt battery. John (Britprius)
Just look at the wiring and connectors. Maybe even unplug the connectors and plug them back in if they look suspicious.
Hello, I'm curious if and how you resolved this as I'm getting the same error on my 2007. No recent brake work and pads still have a lot of life left. 12v battery was new about a year ago or more.