Does anyone else have this issue? It is so frustrating! I listen to audio books through my phone/bluetooth connection. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. My phone is paired and bluetooth shows connected but it can't find the device...any thoughts?
I had this problem with Entune 2.1.0 (started after the iHeart update), but updating to 3.1.0 worked for me...Before the update, I could get the phone hooked up for traffic and phone calls, but then it would get dropped by the car. However ( because the phone thought it was still connected) the car couldn't reconnect without me manually toggling the BT, and this didn't last. Now its much better!
I have a 2013 and an iPhone 4s. My bluetooth connection has worked fine until about a month ago when it spontaneously disconnected. After going through the on screen menus, it showed that the bluetooth power was in the OFF position, and wouldn't allow me to restart it. I punched the menus for about 10 minutes back and forth, and it finally turned itself back on...don't know exactly which combo of buttons I pushed to make it happen, or if it just figured itself out spontaneously. All was well for a couple of weeks, and then it happened again. I went through the manual which frankly did me no good as the screen prompts were different than the ones on the actual car. I looked at all the blogs, and finally took it to the dealer on my lunch hour. They had no solutions and suggested I 'make an appointment'...translation "pay us to fix our own bug". Not happy, as I use my car phone a lot.
Happens to me every once in a while upon startup, but I've never had it fail once it connected. I've had to turn the car off and back on quite a few times recently.
My wife had this problem, we fixed it by not using the USB port to charge her phone - once we removed the cable and plugged it into a USB 12v adapter the problem stopped. Weird I know but it worked.