I recently traded in my 09 Prius for a new Persona and have to say the speakers sound awful. Like really bad. I've researched the boards and talked to Crutchfield. Would like to replace front door speakers and possibly dash tweeters utilizing the OEM amp. Rear speakers as well. I know this topic was covered last month but could you offer some suggestions to a novice on a budget...and please speak in layman's terms? Crutchfield recommended Kicker 40CSS674 and Alpine SPS-610C. Just want to know best bang for the buck. I have an hour commute to and from work and I'm tired of listening to what sounds like an AM radio. I can coax some ok sounds via eq but it's painful. Many thanks!
I was following up with Crutchfield today and apparently they initially gave me recommendations based on a 2012 Prius even though I said I have a 2015 non-JBL model Persona. Since Crutchfield doesn't have 2015 Prius specs they will not offer speaker suggestions. I'm looking to spend $100 - $150. Can anyone recommend decent component speakers utilizing factory receiver/amp that fit 2015?
If by component speakers you mean separate woofer, mid range and tweeter, there are not enough mounting points in the car to do that. If you will be using the factory amp, you should avoid 2 ohm speakers, which many infinities are, and seek high efficiency speakers. I bet the factory amp puts out well under 10 w rms per channel. As for the rear speakers, they do very little. I put in 3 way JBL 6x9 speakers in the front door, and polk 2 way speakers in the dash. Sounds much better than the factory junk.
Thanks for the response lopgok. Based on an earlier thread I ended up purchasing Infinity 9633cf which folks say are high efficiency. I'm just going to replace front door speakers for now and leave tweeters. We'll see what happens...and thanks again.
Infinity generally rates their efficiency at 2.82 volts, which is 2 watts for 2 ohms. Not very honest efficiency numbers. It will be 3db higher than a 1 watt number. As far as I know they are the only company that does this... I don't think the OEM amp will be very happy with a 2 ohm load, especially since the dash speakers are also in parallel with the front door speakers.
Understand, thanks lopgok. Curious to know if anyone has experienced issues utilizing Infinity 9632/9633's in the front door with OEM amp and factory dash tweeters?