I have tried everything I can and for some reason when I try tagging and voice command to dial the phone in Bluetooth it always defaults to dial by name. Is there some setting that I am missing? I am a 61-year-old new Prius owner and having trouble with all of these fancy electronics.Thanks
Have you downloaded your phone's address book to the vehicle? I do remember fighting with my '07 to get it in there, but once I did, it worked. Also, please note that in '07, the voice recognition software was quite bad. Having the address book was nice because you could see who was calling, but I gave up on dial by name.
I think you must have hit the nail on the head. This is a 2007 and the software seems to be very unstable. I also found out that you cannot download the address book from a Verizon iPhone 5S. I've called Apple, Verizon, and they both say that until you get an iPhone 6 that the software in the phone will not allow data transfer. That's why I have had to hand enter my most common used ones and tried to put a voice tag on them so I can dial with hands-free.
Sorry to hear that. However, at least you have hands-free for phone calls. That wasn't too common for a vehicle back then. Enjoy!