Fortunately you're young enough not to have had that 'pleasure'. Nothing prepares you for being the first to arrive at a serious road accident, whether someone is dead or very close to it. First responders deal with it every day, but they usually have time to mentally prepare before they arrive. Much worse to see someone wreck out in front of you and a minute later you're staring face to face with that look of horror. Guarantee you'll drive carefully from that day forward.
When he won all those medals, it was America's bicentennial and we really needed something to cheer about. We just lost in Vietnam, Watergate was still a fresh memory, and the Soviet Union was at it's height. Hope that helps!
Got one And it was only £10 ($13?). Works a treat and really is set and forget. Not HD version but clear enough. I think hd was a couple quid more. Definitely worth getting, much cheaper than your insurance deductible.
Lawyer needed.... I think BJ is going to have to come off some coin for this one. There's almost no way that you can hit somebody from behind without the accident being your fault. The good news is that they drew blood and they're tinkering with cell phones, and there has been no indication of an overtly inattentive or chemically altered driver. The bad news is that somebody died, and the person who will probably be charged for that has fame, bucks or both. Note: Causing an accident and being legally at fault in an accident are two completely different things, and...........we're dealing with Caly, which probably has some goofy liability laws. Interestingly enough, the Prius may own some of this accident without being legally 'at fault'. We'll see. I'm sure that the PNOKs (primary next-of-kins) already have a 5-gallon bucket full of business cards from sniveling, bottom-feeding attorneys.
Yes Prius most likely will be charged for obstruction of traffic, negligent, etc. If the hazard lights were not on perhaps reckless. Around here where multi-car pileups are norm, it is usually the first one to hit being charged. So if rip lady hit, it was her fault, if BJ hit first it is his.
I think this is why you pay your insurance: let them sort it all out. Such accidents happen here all the time, though it is now not automatically the fault of the car behind any longer. Fraudulent whiplash claims total £1bn a year - Telegraph "The proportion of claims for insured accidents involving bodily injury is higher in the UK than in the US, which is generally considered the most litigious jurisdiction." Back to topic, I still think the Police are being quick to dismiss the Prius as innocent and I'd be curious if there is a genuine reason for suddenly stopping, or whether it was a dodgy whiplash claim or to allow the paps to get their pics, though I doubt if that's the case that an accident was not their intention. Bruce Jenner breaks his silence about fatal car crash | Daily Mail Online Now someone has died I'm sure they'll be looking at this very carefully.
I read the Prius driver was stopped trying to make an illegal U-turn when the Lexus struck it in the rear.
As stated, his first claim to fame was winning gold in the 1976 Olympic Decathlon. His more recent reasons for being followed by Paparazzi is that he happens to be the Father in the family, of a "Reality Show" that outlines their lives. Perhaps an even bigger reason the Paparazzi may of been following him is that he has recently been on the front page of many tabloids as allegedly being in the process or desiring of "Gender Re-Assignment". I had no desire to crack open the tabloid and read up on the details. I've never watched the show, and....well if you buy groceries in the USA, you can't really miss the tabloid headlines. I hope none of this had a part in "why" the accident happened. So even though I agree that your suspicion that The Prius may of been part of the Paparazzi and actively looking to slow the vehicles, is worth investigating. I have to hope not. It's tragedy enough "as is", but would seem even more tragic if for some reason this was all predicated simply by a desire to get a few pictures.
sexist! wouldn't be surprised if the whole tabloid thing started with drunk BJ saying something alone the lines of "you have to be a woman to live with those b!tches"
I wonder if Jenner cried like a little girl when his ride got crashed ,,, speaking of acting like a little girl ,,,,,,
I read that of the 3 living drivers involved, whoever is found to be at fault will be charged with vehicular man slaughter. If the Prius driver was making an illegal U turn, they may charge the driver with that.
ouch! it doesn't even look like the red prius was damaged from behind. i can understand the logic here but still, 6 years of prison, wow. the reality is this poor woman died because she was sandwiched between 2 monster trucks. what if the other drivers were texting/calling? from the pictures, it's clear there was no braking at all during the impact. edit: never mind, it was a black prius that started this: Bruce Jenner breaks his silence about fatal car crash | Daily Mail Online update: EXCLUSIVE: Driver in Jenner crash had suspended license - NY Daily News The woman piloting the Prius in the fatal Malibu car accident involving Bruce Jenner on Saturday was driving with a suspended license — but wasn’t the cause of the crash, her lawyer said Tuesday. There had been speculation she might have been making an illegal U-turn, but her lawyer said that had been disproven. Steindorff told the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department that she stopped her vehicle for traffic that was backed up at a red light. Detectives were out on the scene in the last two days and did confirm that traffic at the light had a tendency to back up to the point of the first impact, the source said. BTW, where are the quotation tools on priuschat?
Use "quote]" with a prefix character "[" to start the section. End with "/quote]" prefixed by "[". Bob Wilson