Thank you in advance for the help and advice. Reading all threads it seems to be pointing at the battery but wanted to write my issues so hopefully The battery does not get replaced and the problem remains. The Prius has 115ooo miles. It is a 2005. Just recently it started showing the red triangle of death, check engine light, and the brake light. When I check for codes using a scanner it comes with the following: P0A80 C1310 C1259 P3015 Is there any steps I can do to further isolate the battery as the main problem? Can the car be driven? Thank you very much.
Does the State of Charge display on the MFD jump around, from green to purple and back quickly? Do you hear the battery cooling fan running in the back seat, indicating that the pack is getting hot? Those are additional signs of battery failure.The DTC's seem to indicate that a module has failed. You can drive the car, but you will find that the acceleration will be very poor once the lights come on. The brakes will also revert to friction only. If you only go at a constant speed on level ground, then you can drive more or less normally as there is no current required from the battery. Starting, stopping and hills will have much reduced performance. It is something to take care of sooner rather than later.
^good advice^ I'd also like to ask, where are you located? Hot/and or hilly areas can age a hybrid battery pack
no problem driving her. hook up a scan gauge and read your battery modules while driving. record the differentials and report back here.
Thank you for the quick reply. In regards to the display I have not noticed anything but then again I have not paid attention to that. With the codes blanked I dont hear the fan but once the bad indications show up I hear the fan come on. I am located in Jacksonville, FL so humidity and heat may had played a role. Because I do not have an extra vehicle I need this fixed ASAP so I will look to replace it. Found a local prius mechanic that oes it for 1K with 12 month warranty. Thank you very much for the piece of mind. AS a student and full time worker I need to stretch this money as much as I can. Good thing for tax season!