Purchased a set of the Canadian Mudflaps from my locat Toyota dealer for $40 installed them myself - look great but do not keep anything off the car - backsplash, mud etc still on back panel so..... my advice is if you eant them for looks fine $40 isnt much but if you expect them to work like the old 1940 or 50 type mudflaps forget about it. IMHO!!
I don't think calling them worthless is at all fair, nor are they meerly cosmetic. Pre-flap I had severe splash/spray marks just behind both front and rear wheel wells as well as significant spray on the front edge of the rear view mirrors and even on the windows. Now the most noticable spray behind the wheel wells is nearly non-existant. I still get some spray coming off higher and hitting the rear-view mirror, but I'd say it's subjectively less than before. I do agree that they're not like having massive dangling rubber flaps, but I feel like they've already been worth the time and effort for me after a forced drive through fresh asphalt patches that would surely have gotten tar on my car (and a little still did), but the majority was blocked by the flaps.
pre-mud flaps, i always had very bad splashes of mud, road tar, and asphalt which are quite a pain to clean. after i got the flaps, car washing became much more fun for me. :wink:
Had my Prius about three weeks when I installed my mud flaps, the have been on about a month now. I live at the end of a six hundred foot gravel driveway, and I really think that they have kept a lot of mud and dirt off the side of the car. Although it's harder to notice, I'm convinced that they will keep rocks, that more in line with the tires, from nicking the paint on the curved returns at the bottom of the body panels. I think that they help a lot, and I'd put them on again. Alan
Seems to me that the spray pattern behind the rront and rear wheel wells has remained the same with or without the mudflaps. I never did get spray way up on the windows or mirrors and we do get some very heavy rains here in Western North Carolina. No, I'm not comparing these flaps to the truck flaps just regular old auto flaps. The overwhelming concensus seems to be that the mudflaps work very well so I must be wrong but.... We are talking about the 2004 Prius right? :crazyeyes: :wink: