Hi All, I have a couple of other threads but I bought a 2007 Prius in good condition for $6500. I expected a couple of things to deal with at that price. The bumper has a little bit of scuffing/scratches, a corner crease/ding, and mainly not clipping on one side. I tried with my hand to get it to clip/fasten but it wouldn't. I'm thinking I could get a replacement bumper already painted to color for $285 on ebay. Is this likely something I can do myself without auto body experience? I can do general car work (brakes, oil change, etc etc). Is it a bad idea? I saw some bumpers that come primered and I suppose I could also have a body shop do the job but I don't want to spend a whole lot. Thanks so much.
Here is the link to the bumpers I saw on ebay: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Toyota Prius Rear Bumper Painted TO1100239 | eBay
Here are some photos Any advice would be great. The rest of the car looks great cosmetically in my opinion.
The crease is causing the problem. I had a similar but much worse situation. Warming the crease with a hair dryer or heat gun often removes the crease. Sometimes a push from the inside of the bumper helps. To refit the bumper just lift into position and push hard and it snaps back in. John (Britprius)
Thanks, I don't care too much about the scratches so maybe I don't need a replacement bumper if I can work the creases out. Is it hard to take the entire bumper off? I'm not sure if that is my best bet for getting the crease by pushing from inside?
I just looked more closely and now can see where the real crease lines are that might be causing the bumper to not snap in. Do you think I will have any success with the heat trick? It is bowed outwards so I tried pushing in a little from the top but it didn't do too much.
Start with checking the bumper retainer (black plastic piece behind where it's popping out) to see if the tangs that grab onto the slots in the bumper cover are there. Also, check that the slots/loops that they grab on to are in good condition. Avi
yes, the retainer can have broken tabs; the bumper is pretty easy to remove, helps to have a 3rd hand or two. heat gun works good on creases but can melt the paint pretty quick. hair dryer might be hot enough. saw a good tutorial on you tube I think
My bumper has a broken clip in the exact same place yours is not clipped but on the opposite side. I don't worry about it.