Total Miles: 23365.9km Tank Miles: 708.5km MFD Avg: 4.7L/100km Calc'd Avg: 4.79L/100km Fuel Used: 33.942 litres Cost: $35.44 Price per gallon/litre: 104.4¢ Avg Temps: (optional) Here ya go guys. Start filling in April's edition!
for my parents RX400h.. it's been about 23... but i've been testing it's performance capabilities all the time. I'll post my prius when i get it back tomorrow from the repair specialist.
April 2006 to date: 1132.7 mi, 24.146 gal (B13), $62.50 = 46.91 mpg, $2.588/gal, 5.52¢/mi 2006 to date: 7265.1 mi, 165.019 gal (B3), $402.61 = 44.03 mpg, $2.440/gal, 5.54¢/mi April 2005 totals: 2650.3 mi, 59.374 gal (B0), $133.07 = 44.64 mpg, $2.241/gal, 5.02¢/mi
April 4th: 278 MiLes 5.654 Gal 49.168 mpg 06 picked up on Jan 24 in NJ: 1978.5 Miles 45.178 Gal 43.793 mpg I'm still learning how to drive it!
We're starting to creep upwards. Last tankful on 4/6/06, ave. ambient temp about 45 --- 9.617gal for 392 miles = 40.76mpg (mfd=41.8). Car now has 1501 total miles. On the way home it was about 60 degr. for that 55mi. return trip. I let the nav system guide me. It took me on a different route than I've ever been and I'm not sure if it was faster, but it may have been the shortest. Anyhow, I learned a new way to go home. For that 55 miles, I was sitting around 48.8 on the mfd. Can't wait to break 50.
Continuing great mild spring weather results from Colorado: 533 miles using 8.477 gallons calculated 62.88 MPG for my April fill-up. Lifetime calculated is 61.14 MPG at 13K :blink:
Scared myself a little filling up my first tank in April. Drove 437 miles. Put in 6.882 gallons of gas. Did some quick mental math. Didn't really believe it. The MFD had read 58.7. Stared at the pump for a while... tried to top-off for the first time since I've been driving a Prius. Added another.008 gallons and the pump stopped again. The tank was full... Did the math... 63.42 MPG. Wow. Brings the lifetime average after four tanks and less than 2000 miles up to 52.1. When my first tank was a 45.2 MPG two months ago, I got worried, but that average has been climbing pretty steadily ever since. Spectacular.
Congrats to Moomin. Hope you have many more tanks with these great results. More accurate results will be come as you have already started to average tanks. Sometimes when my fillip gives surprisingly high results I find the next tank has a lower average and thus the higher MPG tank probably was due to the gas station pump "shutting off early" even with continued topping. But never spill!!
The weather is finally warming up a bit here a few degrees in the San Jose Bay Area, and as a result, my overall fuel efficiency is improving. Last few tanks I was averaging 53 - 58 MPG, and now, 84 miles into a new tank, under the same driving conditions (90% in-town/10% freeway) the average today was at 60.2MPG. Back in August-October of last year my wife was driving the Prius exclusively so I never really bothered to pay attention to her mileage during the warmer months, except for one time that she was all excited about averaging 67MPG in the first 200 miles of a tankful. Now, I have been driving her car exclusively for a month (she is driving the turbo intercooled 1987 Volvo 740 stickshift wagon so she doesn’t forget how to operate a real transmission), and of course I am almost obsessed with fuel efficiency (since the Volvo only ever got a maximum calculated 28MPG when I was keeping track). I can only wonder how high I can get the MPG rating to go, since I have pretty much come to the conclusion that relying almost exclusively on the cruise control lets the computer sort things out much better than my right foot can. Oh yeah, the current going rate for “regular†87-octane Union 76 gasoline is 2.93/gallon… or at least it was on Sunday when I last fueled up. You midwesterners and in general “east-of-therockians†be happy you’re not getting the political shaft on gas price fixing as we are here in California.
Start Milage: 10579 End Milage: 11594 Oil: Mobil 1 full synthetic, 3.25 quarts Tires: Goodyear Integrity @ 42/40 Total Gallons: 18.641 Total Miles: 1015 Total MPG: 54.450 almost had 60mpg on 2nd tank, but a couple highway trips, and letting someone else drive for 70 miles didn't help. hopefully next tank will get me there.
Our Prius celebrated its first birthday on April 26th. Mileage: 21k Fuel Used: 402 gallons Lifetime Ave: 52.2mpg Annual Fuel Bill: $925.00 or $77.00 per month Maintenance Issues: Zero Happiness Indicator: Pegged! This "Baby" rocks!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SAPrius @ Apr 27 2006, 01:15 PM) [snapback]246173[/snapback]</div> Lifetime on 2005 Tideland Pearl ending April 2006 (traded in on 2006 Barcelona Red): 24,400 miles (9 months) 51 fillups and 49.0mfd and 47.2calculated. Took about 10% mileage hit in colder VA winter months. New Prius on 2nd tank avg 53+. Got a good trade in (considering the deer that did $5k damage) and coupled with $3.2k tax CREDIT and new bells/whistles/improvements on 2006 made the trade in a no brainer.
29th April 2006 Total Miles: 27100km Tank Miles: 757.7km MFD Avg: 4.4L/100km Calc'd Avg: 4.18L/100km Fuel Used: 31.662 litres Cost: $32.24 Price per gallon/litre: N/A