Ok Guys I havent posted for a long time, its Jonathan in the south pacific, the becoming Master Toyota Technician on this tiny island Bob you sent me that mini port, remember me? Anyway last time i posted i was dealing with failing gen 1 battery pack, got that resolved by doing a rebuild with gan2 batts, thats was over a year ago or maybe 2 and has gone well. Current Fiasco issues i need expertise on. I went to do a total fluid change as it has been sorely needed, like really! At the same time i replaced the plugs & Inverter coolant pump as it was suggested to me by a member here. Well 2 issues has arisen: 1: After 2 full days, and literally taking apart, blowing every which way, i mean mouth to mouth, to air pumps, to syphons to you name it, the inverter coolant piping, i finally got the pump primed but it has little turbulence, and i know why now! I had shipped in enough atf4 transmission fluid, but my local neighbor "borrowed some" in american terms we call it "stealing" but ya know island 2nd world living.... So i sent my worker whom i instructed on how to change the pump and fluid etc... to get some more ATF4 and i said make sure it is #4 (silly me, i still behave like an American in a foreign land) Well i just found out today they have no clue about #'s or types of atf fluid and what was put in was regular atf fluid out of a 55 gallon barrel, which i will go to the "auto store" (and those are Big quotations there) to try and find out what exactly is now in my inverter coolant system and transaxel system. What i do notice is that it is thicker, (same color though) and the pump is pumping it at a much slower rate then what i remember before the change. The inverter pump fluid that was disposed of was completely pink and watery like, the transaxel fluid was black and thinner as well. Now here is the kicker, i will not be able to get ATF4 in for about 8 to 10 weeks depending on shipping etc... but need the car to get around. I also have noticed that my mpg which was around 37, 38 , (i know thats terrible!) is now at 26/ 27mpg At first i thought the new spark plugs (toyota SK16R11's ), maybe they were not factory gapped, i didnt check as i dont have a feeler gauge, but are the plugs from toyota pre factory gapped to spec for gen 1 prius's? But now i am thinking can it be regular atf fluid in the transaxel making it thicker to turn or something and would that effect the mpg that drastically? The vehicle is running great, feels smoother, i have had only 2 codes show back up which are p1436 & 1437 which i thought had to do with either a vacuum line or something with the cat converter? ( 3190 and 3191 have gone away ) Anyway am i going to thrash my car if i run it for 10 weeks like this? And whats up with my mpg after these changes? at $7 usd a gallon i got to get that mpg up. Ok look forward to your replies, & This Chat forum is a God Send!
You got the miniVCI??? You are not in a freeze zone so I would drain whatever is in the inverter coolant loop and replace with the cleanest possible water . . . distilled if possible . . . after ordering the right coolant. A month or so won't be a big risk and the improved heat transfer will help keep the power electronics cool. It will also 'off load' the inverter coolant pump. Whatever is in the transmission is your 'flush' while waiting on the right transaxle oil to show up. Since we are talking 3d world, consider adding half a liter of kerosine to help diluted it. We're not talking great MPG but less bad. Tire pressure? Should be as hard as the tires will allow. Is there an air strip with a maintenance shop? Turbine oil is pretty close to the Toyota ATF . . . certainly better than the mystery 55 gal stuff. Are there any labels on the barrel that might identify the vendor and their grade? We can then ask Mr. Google to research the viscosity. Bob Wilson
OM GOsh Bob I feel so retarded! I just realized that i am not to put in atf4 tranny fluid in the inverter coolant system! I saw it was red and looked in the manual and could swear it said atf4 fluid. I just re looked and did a search and DUH!!! No wonder it took me 2 days and every procedure under the sun to get my poor new inverter pump to pump this heavy oil with no turbulence visible, duh!!!! Ok redemption: Drain out all the fluid in there now Do a flush with filtered rain water Would it be better if i refill with the coolant they have here whilst waiting for the correct coolant? Its green comes out of a 55 gallon barrel and thats all i know at this point. Also when i went to look on amazon for sllc coolant all i could find was Toyota Genuine Fluid 00272-SLLC2 Long Life Coolant - 1 Gallon is this the correct one? Can i use the green one as long as no alcohol ?? Also whilst i got you here Does the Denzo sparks come pre factory gapped for our 02 prius? And would running the wrong atf in the tranny mess with mpg that drastically? Yes i got the mini VCI thank you, i just dont have a clue how to use it, i assume i plug into my lap top, but what program do i use with it? Tires, don't laugh, i have 3 @ 185/ 70 / 14 and not by choice 1 @175/65/ 14, all are filled to 35 psi Also as far as Airplane maintenance, all of that gets done in New Zealand.
OK an Update on my fiasco fluid change As far as the non ATF4 fluid, i know have this new developed situation and i am not sure what to do. Currently when i move the shifter out of park to any gear it feels extremely loose, and when i put it into park, the car will continue to roll unless i put the break on. It says its in park but it just rolls like it is in neutral. Is this directly related to the wrong ATF fluid used? Or just a fluke coincidence? Any suggestions here ? til the correct atf4 fluid arrives? THe fluid i was told that was the particular atf fluid is called 3g? My other choice of atf fluid the "auto shop has is called ATF-cvt but the man assures me the 3g is for all later model vehicles. ok whatever. Now the coolant he carries is called type 5ph and is alcohol free and cut with 40% distilled water. I was going to flush out the inverter pump tomorrow and put that in till the other toyota coolant arrives. Ok i am all ears here. Thanks
Why don't you just get your fluids at the Toyota dealer? They have the correct Long life coolant you will need as it is less than one gallon, and the correct ATF CV oil for your gearbox. Not sure how the best way to clean out the inverter system of the ATF oil as oil and water do not mix. TomK
Hi Tom Thanks for the reply The car and myself are on a tiny island in the south pacific, & the closest dealer would be 780 nautical miles away being nzd. I did get the correct fluid shipped out here , but my neighbor long term borrowed it, (in America we call that stealing, but......) Now thinking about it, the rolling in park issue must be related to the transaxel wrong fluid change. What i need to figure out is will it mess up the tranaxel etc if i keep it in there & use the car for 10 weeks waiting for the correct fluid to arrive? I hear you on the oil/ water not mixing in the inverter coolant loop system. What i will do is open up drain point and blow compressed air throogh the filler tank, then rinse with water etc.
NICE! I wish I lived on an island. Bet you have much nicer weather than where I am at. It was just above zero degrees this morning. Keep us posted as to how you do go about dealing with having the wrong fluid in your inverter. Not sure how I would go about it since oil and water do not like each other. Maybe over time it will end up on top bottle where you put in the fluid and it circulates in a circle and you can use something to extract it. May also be a cleaner you could use from Prestone or other brand, then flush it and replace with coolant. TomK
Weather is nice, but hot sometimes! Anyway just did the flush, drain out atf fluid, flush with water, flush with soapy water, flush with fresh water, in-between compressed air , filled with reg non alcohol coolant, done! It is a breeze to prime when you compare it to priming with thick atf fluid!! Now the bigger issues i am still dealing with is the Park gear does not lock the wheels, the car still rolls. The gear shifter feels so slippy and loose since the atf 39 fluid was put in. I am thinking this is a direct correlation to the wrong atf fluid as it started to happen right after the change of fluid in the transaxel , but not 100%. If anyone can weigh in here i am all ears. Also my mpg has fallen down 50% when we did the trans fluid change and new spark plugs, yes the correct plugs were used, but i did not gap them as i didnt have a feeler gauge but i can get my hands on one unless plugs come pre gap to correct size for my 02 prius. Now i need know if i am going to mess up my car if i run that regular atf fluid in the transaxel for 10 weeks until the right stuff arrives. reply if any ideas or info Thanks
Hi Prius Chatees Ok update: Ok so inverter pump is running well, good flow now that i at least have the coolant and not ATF fluid. Now onto the major drop of MPG's. So i q tipped with Alcohol the MAF sensor and then dis assembled the air intake to clean the butterfly thingy, is it called the throttle body ? anyway cleaned with a tooth brush & Alcohol. Reassembled and went into "town" and back, seem to have done the trick as now the compter is showing back to where i was b4 all this but still very low mpg's around 37 to 38, but at least not at 20!! Now just so you all know the Toyota spark plugs come pre gapped. I still have yet to figure out the park gear issue as the vehicle still rools away when in park? Does anyone know where i can find a diagram of the steering column assembly to the transaxel. is there a cable running to the tranaxel for the park gear that i can inspect and adjust?, any pins or springs i can get access to?
1. It is time for you to obtain factory repair manual info. You can subscribe to techinfo.toyota.com if you are near North America or the equivalent Toyota Europe site, Toyota Service Information if you are near that locale. Or you can try to purchase paper manuals, used ones may be available on eBay for example. 2. Yes, the NGK and Denso iridium spark plugs are pre-gapped but a careful mechanic will check the gap of the plug before installation, and the specification is 1.0 - 1.1 mm. I set my plugs at 1.0 mm. 3. Use of the incorrect ATF fluid as transaxle lubricant may have an adverse impact on mpg (assuming the ATF you used is too thick) but has no impact on the parking pawl function. 4. Once you have access to the factory repair manual, you can look up how the parking pawl operates and that may help you to figure out where the problem is. 5. How many miles are you driving on a trip? 37-38 mpg might be OK if your driving is all very short distances.
Hi Patrick Thanks for the advice. Yes i have to get a repair manual so i am not in the dark. Will check out those resources. My mpg is down to 34 to 35, running around town, very short distances. I am now placing the parking break on every time the car is in park as it is definitely not locking the wheels at all. I will have to wait another 7 weeks or so to get the atf4 fluid in there. I still get a P1436 P1437 code that i am not sure on.? Ok if anything else develops or i think i can be of help to anyone from ym experiences i will post. Thanks you all
DTC P1436 Bypass Valve Malfunction See pages 2-11 and 2-12 of the following document: http://www.autoshop101.com/forms/Hybrid12.pdf The HCAC valve is stuck, causing P1436. You may be able to lubricate it with high temp lube to get more life out of it. DTC P1437 Vacuum Line Malfunction Get under the car and inspect the HCAC (hydrocarbon absorption chamber) which is near the catalytic converter. You should see a large vacuum diaphragm which opens the HCAC valve. Maybe you will find something wrong with the vacuum line to that diaphragm, which would also cause the P1436 code. 34 - 35 mpg for very short distances may be OK. Clear the mpg counter on the MFD, and take a long trip (as long as you can take on your island) where your average speed is 40 - 45 mph for extended periods on flat terrain, to see what the mpg is. That will be around the best that your car can do.
P1436 and p1437 relate o the exhaust bypass, and the vacuum control circuit for it. John. (Britprius)
Wow thanks for all that info! When i clicked on that link it said File Not Found I tried looking at tech articles whats the title of that link you sent me? I will get under the car for a visual inspection & see if i can see any damaged lines, and try to tinker with that valve, etc.. High temp grease, oh boy, We have large dozers here , any hydraulic oil or something related can act as high temp grease? Would running the vehicle with those codes hurt anything or effect mpg?
If a vacuum hose is leaking that could cause problems with a weak mixture and the engine running hot, but I would expect the injection system to try to compensate for this possibly giving rise to higher engine revs. John (Britprius)
Don't feel bad; my uncle, a master mechanic once put diesel fuel in the brake system of a truck, because he thought it smelled like brake fluid. The brakes were completely disabled because all the seals were ruined shortly after that.
So with higher engine revs does that mean an effect on mpg? If so how much? Gas here is $7. usd per gallon, if i need to get parts it is 8 to 10 weeks arrival time & a pain in the rear!
Ha Ok so i am not the only one, The coolant system is now running good, and boy oh boy do i know how to bleed very well now, i mean i got it to bleed and pump albeit very slowly! with thick atf fluid!
You are right, it looks like autoshop101.com no longer is carrying various articles which relate to the Toyota Hybrid Synergy Drive system.