Has anyone figured out how to reprogram the keyless entry to open the rear doors when activated from the driver's side? When you open the door on the passenger side, all four doors open. From the driver side, only the driver door opens. Sure would be nice to be able to open the rear doors also from the driver side....helps when you've got a handfull of children, groceries, or plans.
:idea: Maybe Toyota could save some money by making the user manual an extra cost option since so many people seem to not use it. End of sarcastic rant!! :mrgreen:
I would kill to have the sensors on the rear passenger doors. I often try to open those doors first to put stuff in the back seat.
Ah Ha! Sarcasm! Funny! So funny I almost forgot to laugh. Didn't yo ma ma ever tell you "if you don't have anything nice to say, shut the hell up?" On the other hand. Thank you Tag!
It's quite simple to grab the driver's handle (touch it lightly from the inside), then open the rear door. Or... you can quickly grab the hatch handle - not long enough to open, just long enough to get the doors to unlock.
Even MORE "better yet". They could hire some programmer to make use of that dandy screen in the middle of the dash and provide an application to set all of those options that now require "while holding this, shove your left big toe into your right ear, press that button twice, and hop up and down for 3 seconds" procedures. Geez what a SIMPLE thing that would be. I'd do it for free and I don't even have a Prius!! The lack of such a thing is a glaring and stupid weakness in a technologically advanced product. I can see the current method being reasonable if they didn't already have a display in the car, but they DO and it is a touch display at that, don't even need another input device!!!!
I agree!!! It should be possible to do many of these things using the screen: turning the reverse beep off, turning the maintenance light off, programming the locking sequence for the doors, etc. Since so many people prefer to watch TV instead of reading, why not deliver the manual also in a cd/rom? At the very least, a PDF file should be available for downloading from Toyota's website.
Adding sensors to the back door handles Has anyone considered adding sensors to the back door handles for SE/SS? It seems this would be relatively easy; the sensor could probably be spliced into the front door sensor harness without a problem. (I'm guessing.) Any thoughts? Nate