I would like to find out how to turn on the Lifetime Display. I have 325 miles on my 2004 and the only display I have is 1-Consumption Current 2-Energy Average 46.5 -316 miles No other problems, great car!
Unfortunately that feature doesn't exist on the '04. The consumption screen will reset after each tank fill. --evan
I miss not having the fuel mile meter reset after each gas fillup. I expected the 2004 Prius to be like the classic Prius. Oh well. What do you mean when you say, "we're looking for ways to get around that?" ~Andrew
Re: But still searching... I wonder if the speed sensor disable switch would affect that...might need to inquire with Wayne. --evan
As of right now no one knows any ways around it, that's why you're lost, we're saying that there are folks trying to figure that out now. --evan
I'm not sure if this is something that you'd be interested in, it's called CarChip and it logs info from the car computer and you can import it to your computer. http://www.davisnet.com/drive/index.asp Right now it only logs CAN compatible cars. But they're expecting a version that will log using the On Board Diagnostic II protocol sometime this spring. It'll log diagnostic codes from the car as well. The basic model logs 75 hours of driving for $140 and the other model logs 300 hours of driving for $180 in addition to logging other things about the car's performance.
Cybele, Is that a product of Graham Davis? I was thinking it might be because of "davisnet.com" I've taken a close look at this: http://home.earthlink.net/~graham1/Prius/M...MiniScanner.htm product, but it isn't designed for the 2004 Prius. I would love to get a similar device though if it could operate in an 04. I wish I could just plug into my OBDII port and find out all sorts of data like ICE RPMs, Inverter current and voltage, and things of that nature. Maybe someday this dream will come true. ~Andrew
According to a Davis rep I asked, the new protocol CarChip for Prius should be ready by the end of this month. Keep checking the website for updates.