Daughter's 2006 prius with recently replaced traction battery. When starting, console indicates "Problem", shift indicator goes crazy, all dashboard lights light up, car starts but can't be shifted to Drive, only Neutral. 12v battery has not yet been checked, but I replaced it with Toyota brand about 2 years ago. Any suggestions welcome.
is this right after the hv battery replacement, or has it been okay for awhile? who replaced it? new or rebuilt or used?
Dealer replaced with new hv battery almost 2 months ago. Daughter was able to get it in drive yesterday, did 12v battery check using diagnostic check on MFD. Battery registered 11.8v. Going out to the car today to check again and possibly pull the 12v for replacement.
yes, it should never read 11.8, surprising for 2 years old, i wonder if it got damaged as your old hv battery went south? do you recall ever running it down?
It's the 12v battery, just get it replaced with a new one. Go get one from a dealer, with a return warranty; replace the old with new, if you still have problems, return the new battery back to the dealer for full refund.
Yeah, code reader is on bucket list. Not sure why, but readings on battery are all fine now. 12.5 cold, 12.3 under load and 14 with car running. Thanks for all suggestions/advice.
you can get a cheapie from the parts store that will read and erase engine codes for $40. if the battery is bad, most cars (not sure about prius) will set low voltage codes when the battery gets way down. being a tightwad, I bought the cheapest reader from advanced. use it on side jobs and friends cars all the time. then go online to see what to do about the code(s) I pull.