It's not really nasty, no caps or no bad/nasty words...and yes I do get some things wrong once in a while, but just not the everyday simple stuff also, these solutions have been stated over and over a kajillion times already, but it seems some people would just always try and give solutions that they themselves haven't even tested out, while trumping the solutions that do work, zzz
The installers you've called are all incorrect. Your pushbutton start is no harder and in fact most times EASIER to install than a keyed vehicle. Here is one of the modules (and the one I'd recommend) to integrate any other remote start into your C3/4 with push to start. Toyota PriusC 2014 Push-to-Start | Remote starter, bypass module and alarm system | Fortin Read the section on warranty, it should not cause any issues, but again the 6 shops you called I'd avoid if they already said they can't do it. Security and Remote Start Basics - Best Buy If you are in Canada Eh, then instead of the US law, you've got: According to the Canadian Consumer Protection Act, the dealer would have to prove in a court of law that the installation of a remote start caused a problem with the car, if one occurred. They cannot void your warranty without proof. If you noticed in my post, I've also done my wife's Venza which is a toyota, and is a push to start. Having been an installer in a past life, and working for one of the larger OEM/Retail car audio/security manufacturers as well I can tell you that probably 85% of the time a car that is push to start is EASIER to install a remote start in than the old key style. Shame you've got no decent installers around. The 2-way remote starts I've had in all recent vehicles are awesome, 1+ mile range with confirmation of start, and wired up to kick on the mirror/rear glass defoggers below a certain temp (and also heated seats in the wife's car) has been awesome. Chris
I am SO glad that you seem to know everything but most of us don't. Whether you realize it or not you ARE being nasty and disrespectful.
Nasty, no...but disrespectful...yes, very, b/c why not? You have a C3 for say what? 1+ year now? and didn't even bother to test out some of the simplest things your car has to offer. And yet you offer misinformation straight off the bat like you just went outside and tested it and came back to say it's a go, but ofc you yourself didn't even bother to do before giving out your misguided nonsolution. It's like lazy people, who just make up stuff on the spot, and hope no one follows up, b/c they were too lazy to test out the simple 1,2,3 and like I said, I don't know everything, but the simple stuff
Why not ? Because being disrespectful accomplishes nothing useful. I made a mistake. You can point that out without being nasty OR disrespectful.
I enjoy my remote starter, installed by the dealer. It works at over a mile, and has lots of extra built-in goodies that I can't remember how to use. PRO 2-WAY 901 | RF-P2W901-SS | Remote Start + Security Systems I've been to other dealers who feed you the BS story that it would void the warranty or it's impossible to install with the SmartKey system. They simply don't know what they're talking about.
Anyway...since I now reside around the great lakes area, and having to go out and sit in my car until it's warm enough to drive off. I've decided to order a evo-all remote starter kit from ebay ($109), probably a shop that specializes in remote starter, who will provide detailed instructions for specific vehicle and also flash the remote starter for said vehicle. Amazon sells it at a cheaper price ($58), but it seems amazon won't program/flash it to the specific vehicle or provide much more support/wiring then Fortin's included manuel (and from reading the reviews, it seems to be a hit or miss with some buyers needing to buy the extra bootloader to flash their remote starter to their specific vehicle)...the bootloader is an extra $50+, so I guess it evens out. and a youtube demonstration (even though it's not a prius's similar) I'll post back when I get it and install it
I'd be happy to program the unit, I have the flash link module. The instructions are available at fortin's site for free. I think you even get a picture guide with the included unlock code in the box... I'm in N. KY, if your in MI you are probably 1 day shipping via ups ground or USPS.
Darn, thank you, but already ordered...I just want to ask from you, since you have experience with Fortin, but Is there a difference between evo-all and evo-one? I'm reading somewhere that one of the two (or both) can be programmed for phone app remote start? Thank you
The Evo-one is more of a remote start/alarm replacement device. In my case I used the EVO-ALL and then I used a Viper 2-way remote start. So think of the EVO-ALL more of a "bypass/integration" module and the EVO-ONE a full flegged alarm/remotestart (when optioned out). I believe that the EVO-One can do gps/smartphone integration, the EVO-ALL would rely on an aftermarket system (such as the viper) behind it to handle those duties.
well got my remote starter going, was easy peazy, and a minimum of 9-11 wires to tap to (depending on if you want to add a valet switch and have parking lights come on with the remote 9 wires if you don't care for those 2 options) the main ecu 30pin connector is behind the driver knee panel the OBD II connector is right below driver's feet the 7pin steering lock/ignition connector is right on top of the steering column (after you remove 3 screws from the 2 plastic trim covering the steering column, carefully pop off those two plastic trim) good luck and happy wintering
just an update, it seems temps have been near zero and Subzero these past few days and remote start won't work (lights will blink, but car won't even attempt to turn on and light will turn back off) ... Not sure if it's b/c of the module or prius c
How is it setup? Mine is setup for no tach checking and no voltage checking, just crank for x seconds. Since it's a hybrid I know it'll start. If it's doing tach or voltage check that may be throwing it for a loop. It was -20 this morning here, remote start working great.
I live in Cleveland and it looks like our past few weeks have been colder than yours - below zero lows, -30 degrees F windchills. I just leave my gloves, hat, etc. on while driving to work, and the car warms up plenty fast on the 8 mile drive. No engine block heater or warm-up necessary.
I know it's summer but this topic will come up again when it gets cold. Corwin Toyota in Fargo ND will install for $600 AstroStart® RSS-5225 2-Way LCD Remote Start and Security System with up to One Mile Range* I choose to go to a 3rd party shop and have a Compustar Pro 902 2 way LCD Remote Start and Security System with 3000 ft range installed for $570 I had a AstroStart in my 2009 Subaru Forester that I traded in for the PC3. It was unreliable and a one way so I got no communication if it started or not. I consider that a vital function as I can't see my car at home or at work and to go out in -40 degrees to find you car didn't start is not fun at all.