We are in total agreement. My only clarification is that "fan speed" and turning on or off the A/C compressor itself does not affect the estimate, only the switching ON of the fan at any speed.
Hi Chazz, I now have an Andriod phone and have downloaded Torque Pro and purchased the Elm OBDII device. I have not figured out how to upload the custom pid's to the phone yet. I was able to get the HV battery reading and it was at 84% this morning. I haven't figured anything out besides that. Fully charged EV miles range is currently about 9 or 9.1 miles after being at 8.0 most of the winter. Not sure why but it was up to almost 9.5 about a month ago, but has dropped recently (haven't done anything different) Thanks, Paul
What have you done so far to import PIDs? I assume that you were looking at the State Of Charge (SOC) of the HV battery. The PiP only uses the middle %60 capacity of the HV battery. So SOC ~%23 equals %0 usable HV battery and SOC ~%85 equals %100 fully charged HV battery. Fully charged EV miles is very temperature correlated (also speed and driving habit correlated) and it seems to average the last 30 (guessing) EV runs. That is why the EV figure moves so slowly. You can always reset it (along with most presets and stats) artificially back to default 13.4 miles by disconnecting your 12 battery, but I don't recommend that. It would be more telling to start a spreadsheet of reported start EV miles vs actual Ev miles to see if we could reverse engineer the equation used. Good luck unzipping the PIDs and importing the .csv files via a memory card or some transfer to your smart device.
mine was up to 15 in early may, and has dropped to 14.7 with cooler weather.paul, it's good to see you back. now would be a good time to do an all ev trip again, from a full charge to when ice kicks in. try to avoid gravel roads.paul? hello?
We have construction going on with our closest blacktop. Currently two miles of gravel minimum to blacktop. I'm still working on getting the files stored to my phone for the torque app Hi Chazz, what all would be affected by disconnecting the 12v battery? Thanks,
hi paul, there's a new thread here by someone who owns a 2013 pip, and just purchased a 2012 that gets 3 less ev miles than the other one, on the same drive. it's the first time we've seen a comparison like this, and you may want to follow along.
I have never disconnected my 12v battery, but I'm guessing all user trip data would be lost and all menu settings reset to defaults. The loss of user EV driving data results in the reset of vehicle EV mile estimate to 13.4 Check out post #110 in this thread for details from PriusChat members who have disconnected their 12v. Fully Charged EV Range | Page 6 | PriusChat