Go out and see how far you can actually go on all EV. Forget what the estimate says and go check it out. This will give us much more info once you have done this.
I rarely drive just to see how far I can go, but last year at someone's recommendation, I started from fully charged and drove till the ice kicked in. I stopped immediately and shut the car off, 11.4 miles. I see that I did not post it. Sorry. As advised, I did not go over 20 mph, unfortunately, this route had 3 turns and 3 stop signs. Currently my most common route is 3.8 miles from home to church. Including leaving my driveway and pulling into the parking lot there are 6 turns, 1 stop sign and multiple stoplights. I usually watch the stoplights and coast to time them so I don't have to stop if possible. Total elevation gain/loss is 87 ft, starting at 1359 elev. rising to 1364, dropping to 1301 and rising again to 1320. Average speed is 20 mph +/- 2 mph, rarely above 35. Usually it takes less to go to church, then it does to come home as there is more uphill (starting at 1320, ending at 1359) coming home. I usually have about .3 miles left on the battery when I get home.
unless i'm missing something, 11.4 is pretty weak at 20 mph, and iowa is flat as a pancake, is it not? i can do 16-18 miles of flat back roads in summer with a/c off and between 15 and 30 mph. could probably do 20 if i worked at it and didn't have some goober up my butt all the time.
Paul, I forgot one thing what tire psi are you using? If you are around 30 to 32 psi? You may need to increase that some. It may make a 4 to 5 mile difference. I run 44 front 42 rear.
I currently run them at 35 all round. I used to run them higher, but was told that is why my tires wore out sooner. I don't understand that, but have been at 35 since.
Yes Iowa is fairly flat, not as flat as ND. I noted my total elevation gain/loss on another post. One other thing that I find effects the mileage a lot is gravel roads. I have 3/8 of a mile to get to the blacktop into town. Also if I go to my friends place on all gravel 3.47 miles and back I run out before I'm back. If I go the other way with 3.69 miles including 2 miles of blacktop, I still have some left even though the black top is a main highway and need to go over 45 mph. thanks
wow, i haven't seen a gravel road since i was a kid. guess i'm assuming too much here. yes that will have a profound effect. heck, rain has a big effect.7.6 miles round trip to church, and you have .3 miles left when you get home? any gravel there?another thought, ask your dealer if you can take a new pip for an ev test drive, just to give you a comparison. maybe the service manager would like to go. might be better next summer though.
No your tires won't wear faster with more air. Under inflation is the biggest cause of early tire wear. In my case changing my tire pressures from 32 psi to 42 psi gave me a 4 mpg increase on my highway mpg. YMMV!
wow!as an aside, my ev indicator was 11.8 with a full charge yesterday, and i drove 12 miles on my usual slow flat route, and had .8 miles left.
As you know my coffee run is only 5.4 miles round trip, 45mph roads. Starting EV Est. is 9.3 EV. If I go 15 miles round trip to get my daughter at work I get about 12.5 miles of EV. Short trips are a killer, not just only for ICE but for all EV too!
I guess every thing is cold and stiff and battery is cold when we first start off until it warms a bit. only my guess.
hadn't thought of that. good point, the battery must definitely warm up as it discharges. especially if it sits in the cold for awhile after having completed its charge.
Actually, fan speed makes no difference at all in the estimate displayed. It's binary: climate system on, take about 10% off estimate. Full blasting fan or at lowest speed, A/C on or off, makes no difference.
That's what I see when flipping climate on or off. 12.5EV->11.3EV when full. The delta expressed as remaining EV miles decreases as the charge is used up, of course, and approaches zero when there's about a mile left of EV. What delta do you see when you first start your fully charged PiP?
My point was when you start the car est. EV shows 10.5 start EV miles, now turn on fan it shows est.EV 9.5 est. I know it does not change actual EV range just the est.
i see it change depending on the level. at the higher end, it's 13% and at the lower end it's 1/10 mile. not sure it changes at all at the very end.