Looking for instructions on how to remove the dash. I've given up on my dealership trying to fix the rattles... Anyone have a how-to or photos of dash removal? -Iain
Someone has posted a link here to a full shop manual for the 2010 Prius. It has the instructions you seek. Also look at the automatic headlights thread. If you're going to the effort to take the dash apart, you might as well do that mod also.
I recently did the Auto Headlight mod and collected several pdfs containing a lot of info in pdf format including the instructions for removing the dash. Since I am new here I can't post links so PM me and I'll send you a link where to get them.
The biggest and best site is Toyota's own....techinfo.toyota.com. You are able to download everything for your car you could ever need. It took me a bit to figure out how to navigate the website due to the format. There are different subscription fees which you'll see when you get on the site. I just took advantage of the $15/48hr subscription and I have the info I need to start my mods. Best of luck Canard!!!
I love it how he goes into super saiyan mode at 1:45...hehe Also a moulding remover tool is handy instead of credit cards or some other plastic tool I have the part number from Toyota (09061-1C3000 but my dealership told me the part number is not in the system...
The U-tube video shows how to get started. Then you need to extract the side A/C vents carefully so as to not guff them. The passenger vent is in 2 parts - start with the upper piece first, then the lower one. Then the upper glove box is removed by lifting up a bit at the bottom of the assembly, rotate upwards and then lift it out of the socket. You might want to set up a staging zone (in a clean area perhaps on carpet) to store all the pieces. Then things like A pillar covers come off followed by the mini side window vent plates. The dash speaker grille covers are gently pried up and off. Each speaker has a couple of bolts to hold them on. Carefully remove them and disconnect. This might be the time to drive the car around to see if you can hear or determine where the squeak is coming from. It's easier to have a helper ride along who has a good ear for dash noises. Good luck. The complete removal of the dash plate is an advanced task if you decide to go that far.
I have taken mine apart, takes about 4 hours start to finish. Best bet is the shop manual CD from ebay, worth the 10 bucks. pages 6407-6445 encompasses all, starting with the center cluster and side door weatherstripping. If you go slow and remember to not pull too hard, because of wire harnesses behind panels, it is easy. Especially the 2 side door trims (with air bags) by windows, don't pull too hard, because of a stop pin that you have to move 90 degrees to completely remove panel. I am going to do mine again in a few weeks, because I believe I can add more insulation blanket material around the ducting and above the instrument panel. Just insulate everything that has a chance of moving under there! Take 2 Aleve before you start, your back will go out in about an hour.
Manual posted unfortunately does not tell how to actually do the dash removal. But the pictures help a little.
Thanks, very useful. I am tracking down a rattle, too - right side near little window. But also, I'd like to get at the flasher, to do a modification to make it louder (even if it takes a little audio amp....) How much has to come off to get at the flasher ? PS - it is VERY peculiar. The same flasher is used in newer Corollas, and there the flasher is adequately loud. Maybe mine is defective, or is it just hidden behind too much stuff ?
Sorry - don't know where the flasher is located, but mine seems loud enough. I'm sure other members here have modded their flashers for LEDs and maybe they know where it is.
No dash removal necessary to locate the flasher module... It's located under the dash, between the steering column and parking brake. The flasher is clipped into place with the plug facing downwards, towards the floor. Just a little in front of the interior fuse block, a little higher up. It's a tough one to reach if you have any back issues... I used the Hellen Keller/Ray Charles method to locate it... ...turned on the 4 way flashers and reached and prodded around until I felt the clicking...
Wow...tough one to get to. Never ended up getting the original module out...just unplugged it and added the new module.