Hi all, I successfully connected my Raspberry PI to the CAN-Bus and sniffed a bit. Unfortunately the IDs Attila Vass found out for his Gen2 are different to the Gen3. The mycanscan-Project on SF has a few codes for Gen3- but the most of them i already found by myself. Has anyone made some progress in analyzing the passive messages on the CAN-Bus? Tobias
Hi Tobias, I'm looking for a CAN Message for Gen III that is related to fuel consumption. Do you have any ideas where to start looking/analyzing? Thanks.
I've found many status-bits and the Eco/Power/Charge-Value. But I've no idea how to find (very slowly changing) values like the avg. or even current fule consumption. Though there are many passive messages on the bus i'm not sure that such detailed infos are "posted" without a request. There is no really need, neither for the user, nor for the electronic. Are you only looking for these specific messages or have you analyzed the messages in general? Maybe we can share what we found out?
I've found and decoded several messages such as SOC, steering angle, vehicle speed, wheelspeeds, throttle position, energy bar (from the display), mode of the drivedrain, position of the gearshift, relative time after IGK on, ... I've used busmaster and an ES581 from ETAS as interface. Later on I will put this into a Raspberry with an MCP2551/15 as interface. And a touchscreen as HID. Here's a dbc (CAN description file). I will try to update this file from time to time. Also feel free to extent it and add your discoveries!!
hello ganescha, I downloaded your dbc. I hope it works also on an Auris 2, or at least parts of it. I also saw, that the names are in german. Bist du aus Deutschland oder Österreich? (ich bin aus Österreich) Do you have an updated version? I will do some work on my Auris in a few months, so I can also give you the IDs and descriptions that I will find out. anyway, thanks for this file here !
Have you tried this: GenIII Prius Custom PIDs for Torque app | PriusChat They work on Prius III and Yaris Hybrid. I assume that they will work on Auris2 Hybrid too. It's the same drivetrain.
yes, meanwhile I also read through all those Posts. That Looks quite good. I will try that. best regards Hannes