Howdy, A few weeks ago my 2013 PIP would not stay connected to my Samsung galaxy note 4. Also, the radio lost all of the saved radio stations, and all my saved destinations. The nav screen also freaked out, and some of the streets aren't showing. I took it to my local Toyota dealership, and all they did was update the navigation software... The car acted up for a few days after that, has been OK for about 3 weeks, and has now started acting up again. I think there is something electrical going wrong with the car. Any ideas? suggestions?
Hey, Thanks Bisco and Greg, That's kinda what i was thinking, time to take it back to the dealership.
if the battery is okay, i suppose a loose connexion. does it only happen when the phone is connected?
If the constant power source is disconnected, the stored information for pairing the phone is erased from memory.