The rubber molding at the bottom of my wife's driver's window (2007 Prius) has separated. Is replacing this molding a DIY job or do I need to pay the dealer? If I can do it myself, are there any tips for removing the old molding & installing the new?
There is a common moulding that tears, however, if you could post a picture I can make sure to give you the correct advise. The usual one is a DIY kind of thing, I just don't want you to mess something up just in case it isn't.
Part # 75720-47010 All you need to do is open the door, pull the end of the moulding up as shown in the attached picture then pull the whole thing away from the other end of the door. Once you pull it up the other end will slide out of behind the mirror. Then slide the new one in and drop the other end in.
Awesome! This helped me out, too. Thanks! By the way, the dealer wanted to charge $70 for this part, but someone on Amazon sold the OEM part for only $40.