Hi guys, my 2008 Prius needs rear brake hardware, drum an shoes replacement. Here is what the dealer reported: GRINDING AND CLICKING NOISE COMING FROM LEFT REAR BRAKES. HARDWARE IN LEFT REARDRUM THAT HOLDS SHOES IN PLACE CAME APART INSIDE DRUM. HARDWARE MUST BE REPLACED, DRUMS AND SHOES MUST BE REPLACED. I am looking for a how-to guide for this job. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks...
Before you start, remember to remove two relays and lose the pressure: Brake service manual calls it “brake control (ecb) off”. You can’t bled brakes normal way, so don’t disassembly brake cylinder or remove line from it! Manual for rear drum brake overhaul: http://share.qclt.com/%E4%B8%B0%E7%94%B0%E6%99%AE%E7%91%9E%E6%96%AF%E5%8E%9F%E5%8E%82%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8Cpdf%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F/Repair%20Manual/04pruisr/32/200mn/w040001.pdf
I'll do disc brakes with no qualms. Drum brakes, while very reliable, when they need opening up, I leave it to the pros. I've done it once, took me forever, didn't have the know how and the right tools. Wrestling with the springs and myriad parts is not a lot of fun. Get a quote from the deslership?
You'll need mini VCI cable & techstream software (avail on Amazon or eBay), b/c the rear cylinders will need to be bleed. I've never been able to remove the shoes w/o moving the rear wheel brake cyl piston.
Valde thks a lot. How do we turn off ECB? Which two relays will be removed? I suppose one is the skid control near the 12V battery right? What is the other?
It says it right at the link that I gave you. "If the car was just powered up, wait at least two minutes after power-off for the brake system to go through its shutdown self-test [part of which involves repressurizing the brake lines]. Then, pull these two relays in the under-hood block. Pump the brake pedal slowly, holding it down at the pushed position for a short time, until that little high-pitched beeper starts going off under there." And it has picture of what relays to pull. Relays will just pull up.