June 16, 2004 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid Preview by Trevor Hofmann , Canadian Auto Press The makers of hybrid cars have got to be smiling these days. With gas prices the way they are, sales of Toyota's Prius and Honda's Civic Hybrid have never been stronger. And what about Honda? Yeah, the brand that was first to market in North America with its funky Insight, followed up by its highly successful Civic Hybrid isn't about to let Toyota steal all the thunder. Honda recently announced that its popular Accord sedan will be the next inline to get the HEV treatment. What makes it so enticing? The new model makes use of the Accord's already enthusiastic 3.0-liter, 240-horsepower V6, combined with Honda's Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) system. That means it'll produce even more power than the current V6, while delivering much better fuel economy.
No, it's not meant to be a competitor for the Prius. They list it's direct competitors as the Camry and Altima hybrids. I doubt it will match even the HCH for pure mileage. The advertising I've seen says "More power than a V6 with better mileage than a V4" It will probably have pretty good highway mileage because of the VCM. If I had to guess, I'd say High 30s City and Highway, but nobody knows yet.
"Better than I used to get" rules the day a lot lately. *My* better is 50MPG @ 70MPH, as opposed to ~36MPG @ 75MPH (best trip the Kia ever made, and rarely that good...) Wait. Forgot 'city'. Now ~46MPG when I kick around town with no trips, when the Kia got ~23MPG doing the same thing...
Frankly I can't imaine it will be all that much better than the standard 6 cyl Accord given that Honda's design is engine first, electric boost when needed. Maybe they'll get some software in it to kick in the electric rather than winding up the ICE on soft acceleration. I read earlier that it will have a better 0-60 than the standard V6. This from a review: "In addition, the 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid will be the first car in company history to be outfitted with Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) technology. VCM selectively deactivates three of the Accord Hybrid’s six cylinders under specific driving conditions (such as when cruising at highway speeds) in an effort to improve fuel economy. ....... and that the hybrid version will offer six-cylinder performance blended with the fuel-economy of a four-cylinder Honda Civic," Looks like VCM will give most of the mpg savings. Will be interesting to see if the EPA stats for city/highway are the same ratio as the standard Civic.
From the article: Trick question: If the engine produces 240 hp and the combined output of the Gas/Electric is 240hp; how many hp does the motor produce?
Wrong answer European-model Honda Accord (Acura TSX in North America) 2.2 i-CTDi Sport sedan set 19 world speed records and achieved 3.07 litres / 100 km (76.6 mpg) fuel economy to boot. More here:
applications like this one in the acord, and the one in the upcoming highlander/RX, are not being marketed as gas mileage improvements (though there is 'some' increase) they are being marketed as 'the acceleration of a V8 with the MPG of a V6. have to say, a fully optioned acord, with the power boost of hybrid motors, would probably be a neat, if boring, alternative to some pricier cars with V8's or bi6 6's. and more reliabile to boot, if honda and toyota follow their usual ways. (not mentioning any names of other cars, to avoid flameouts... wouldn't want the germans after me
"European-model Honda Accord (Acura TSX in North America) 2.2 i-CTDi Sport sedan set 19 world speed records and achieved 3.07 litres / 100 km (76.6 mpg) fuel economy to boot." Yeah but that was the Diesel Version of the Accord. and it was the 2.2 liter version. The Gas V-6 is much less efficent. Still wish they would make a good, clean, diesel hybrid for here in the states. With Bio-Diesel and great milage we all could kiss imported Oil Bye Bye. Still like the prius though!. :wink:
No, right answer. You're refering to a different car -- a diesel Accord being tested in Europe. jamarimutt was refering to the upcoming hybrid Accord.
Yup; the Accord looks like another of Honda's "mild hybrids" -- as you point out, the electric engine never runs on its own, it only assists the ICE. But still an interesting piece of engineering. I'm also looking forward to the EPA stats.