I need to replace the battery on my Smart Key but the release latch is frozen and will not slide. So I cannot remove the mechanical key or slide the cover off. The indentation/groove next to the release latch had some dirt and gunk in it that I though was maybe preventing it from sliding so I scraped out the dirt as much as possible but the latch still won't slide. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!
I tried the thumbnail first and then the screwdriver but neither worked. The release latch is really frozen tight and will not move at all.
maybe try pressing on the key head as you slide it, or pushing the case in toward the closed position. might be catching. you'll need four hands.
The WD40 did not work but I was able to force the sliding latch open by pushing a small screwdriver into the hole in the side of the Smart Key. Good news is that I was able to replace the key battery. Bad news is that the sliding latch is now stuck in the open position and will not close. So the back cover and mechanical key are not held in place. My question now is if there is anyone who sells a replacement back cover for a 2006 Prius Smart Key. I found people who sell the entire Smart Key but all I need is the back cover.
Called the dealer and they do not offer the case. Best thing would be to salvage the back cover off a non-functioning Smart Key - lowest price on Ebay is $60 so far. If anyone out there has a non-functioning Smart Key for sale, let me know. Is there a forum for buying/selling parts? Could I change the title of this post to "Looking for smart key cover" or just start another post with that title? Not sure what is proper etiquette.
maybe try 'private sales'? what if you put a tiny dab of strategically placed superglue, do you think it would come apart next time you need a battery?
Go back to the dealer and order part number 89751-47010, should be $13.10. When it comes in, show it to the person who told you it isn't sold separately and ask them Wth? Avi