I've been to the Toyota site http://tinyurl.com/blb79mu but it lists individual sections. There must be a place to download the complete manual? Any help?
The source (Toyota) provides it that way. You will have to help yourself: Ask Toyota if they can give you a combined manual. Doubtful they will do this. Get software that allows you to combine PDF documents into one file. Scanning software and PDF editors will allow you to do this.
This is the Owner's Manual you want, right? My 2 cents, Toyota should make this readily available, it's pathetic that they don't. I managed to find one for our 2010 hatchback; it should be out there. Be careful though, some sites will offer something not readily available, but try to install spam, etcetera. This looks to be working: Toyota Prius v Owners Manuals | JustGiveMeTheDamnManual.com
Ok, so it's not me....It is intentional that they put the manuals up with individual files. Really stupid!! Thanks for the linky!
Yeah the link worked. The format's a little funky, most of it seems like 5x7 content on an 8.5x11 page. Frustrating, thanks Toyo... If you've got Acrobat, you can crop as follows: pages 1-22 and 55-513 (pages in the file)