I've only had to fill mine once in almost 5 years (the weather's pretty terrible around here), but I'm pretty sure it was in the vicinity of a gallon or such.
well, a gallon it is / I was asking because I bought some rain-x windshield wiper washer fluid additive & was wondering how many ounces I should add /
Mine ran dry this week, I put a full gallon in and that did not fill it to the point of seeing the fluid in the neck (prob why there is a dip stick)…. so prob a little over a gallon..
It varies on if you have headlight washers or not. Mine holds about a gallon and a half from empty and I have the washers.
Do you mean the "hood washers"?? .....just kidding. Lol. Seriously though I can see how they would work nice when your headlights are covered with salt in the winter as mine currently are. Beats stopping at the gas station and squeegeeing. I test drove a liftback 5 with the washers before I bought my car and kept hitting that button trying to figure out what it was and kept wondering why the heck is the whole front end of the detailed winter grey prius covered in liquid now. Haha. It does kinda shoot out like a child holding a high pressure hose.
I was astounded when mine went dry the other week, then emptying an entire jug without any sign of nearing the top. Had to look underneath to see if there was a leak. There was no leak, so I figured it held well over a gallon.
Lol yeah sprays the whole front end, hood and hits my windshield too. It helps with the LED headlights. Especially when they get frosty.
It's not bad if you're driving at highway speeds, but if washing while stopped it sprays pretty far up (at least in the Prius v).
One of the reasons I opted for my persona and not the 2014 liftback 5 trim level that was actually a better deal. Trivial yes, but oh well.
I had mine empty yesterday and with some wiggling (maybe because my driveway is at an angle and the front of the car is lower there remains some air in the container if I just leave it) I could fit 4.4 liter in it (1.16 gallon US, 0.97 imperial gallon or convert to your favourite volume unit here: Convert volume: 4.4 l (liter) to ...) Prius III with headlight washers.