I have a 2007 Prius with about 150,000 miles. This has happened a couple of times in the past 2 months, and was wondering if anyone else has seen this: Our Navigation system seems to be resetting itself- this morning it happened for the second time in the past 2 months: Volume resets Search location changed All “previous” destinations are gone. Not sure if any other settings changed, but those are the 3 that are obvious- it is almost as if it reverted to some kind of default settings. The nav does work just fine, however. This happened about 2 months ago, and it happened again today. Anyone else ever seen this, and is it anything I should worry about??? No other problems other than that………
That was my thought as well- I did the test battery procedure and all the levels were in the normal range, so I am just wondering if there could be another reason......
What are you calling a normal range? Give us your voltage readings for each of the tests in the procedure. If your 12V battery is truly OK then I would have to suspect a 12V connection to your Nav unit.
What is the voltage after pressing power and with headlights on ? Your readings are actually marginal. The first reading should be closer to 13V. How long have you had this battery ?
I have been checking the battery the past few days: 12.3-12.5 first reading 12.1 second reading 14.1 full power with lights on Have had the battery a little over 3 years.
When the car is in Ready mode the battery is being charged by the DC/DC Converter from the HV Battery. So lights on with the car ready does not tell you anything. What is the battery voltage with the headlights on without the car being in Ready mode?
I followed the instructions found on here in posts about getting into the check mode (push power button once then following steps to get to maintenance mode) Unload- 12.5 (lights off) 11.9 (with lights on) Unless I am missing something, aren't those pretty normal numbers? They are according to the articles I have been reading, but maybe I am mistaken
No, those are not normal readings, but marginal at best. How long will it hold 11.9 V with the lights on before dropping to 11.8, 11.7, 11.6, etc. Also, if this was me, I'd consider that your battery is fully discharged so I'd be charging this battery up to full with a good quality smart charger that had an AGM setting. Once charged, check the sitting voltage after the surface charge has dissipated--it should read a voltage of 12.8-13.2 V after sitting for 2-4 hours after removing the charger. I would then repeat the test of the three voltages paying closer attention to how long the battery can hold a constant voltage under load (headlights on is sufficient), and also noting the time taken to drop each 0.1 V under load. If you care to do that and report back the results, then we can more or less tell you whether your battery is passed it's "use by". But my opinion even now is that it is and it needs to be replaced. Having said that, charging in the short term may buy you some time so you can select a replacement battery. hope this helps.