when i was a kid, i knew of a classmate who basically took care of his mom. she could do very little on her own because of several injuries and illnesses she had. was pretty young then so dont really know a lot of the details other than the fact that child did all the cleaning, cooking and also other personal hygeine maintenance for her so i knew it happened BUT just saw a blurb on the NBC nightly news. a study just completed by the government shows 1.3 million children are the primary care givers for adults. this includes a staggering FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND UNDER THE AGE OF 12!! that statistic shocked me. there was a thread that talked about the lack of mental health care in this country, its also beginning to look like that anyone who cannot afford to pay will not enjoy any services as the government support seems to be waning more and more every day. guess that billion dollar a day war is taking up all the slack
It's not just the money being used elsewhere...Today's conservative is so paranoid about being labeled 'liberal' or (even worse) 'socialist' that they're sacrificing the health of millions of Americans (to include veterans) by ending and restricting government funded and sponsored healthcare. It's really quite sad that the political party that believes 'god is on their side' is the same party that lets millions of Americans and billions of humans die while a war is being waged on false pretenses and no-bid contracts are given to friends and former cronies...
Wow! in two posts we got from child care givers to "Its the Republicans fault because of the war" "The goernment is responsible for our healthcare" "No bid contracts" "God is on our side" I'm only going to say this one time. The government can't stop you from getting sick, going insane, contracting aids. The government can't take care of your aging mother, stop the kids from picking on your child, or save you in a hurricane. They can't stop you from smoking, getting drunk or plowing your Prius into a bridge. Therefore FORGET about the government and take care of yourselves. Everyone on this planet is going to suffer somehow and die, so if you can't afford a fifty dollar pill from the evil drug companies, nothing will change. As I've told my kids "If you rely on the gov't for anything, anything at all - you will be disappointed"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Thomas Brock @ Apr 6 2006, 10:45 PM) [snapback]236116[/snapback]</div> Liberals are like Seagulls: they squawk,eat garbage & are protected by the goverment. [attachmentid=2914] Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine :lol:
No one is protected by our government. They are out to line their own pockets (many times both parties). Some people have no choice but to hope for help from outside sources (mentally ill, developmentally disabled, elderly and physically handicapped). We have lost the ability to be a country that impresses, a community that cares, and individuals who embrace selflessness.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(imntacrook @ Apr 10 2006, 01:09 PM) [snapback]237679[/snapback]</div> hey, im not looking for a handout or a surrogate mother, but i do pay taxes, and i DONT think i am getting a very good value for my money.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Apr 10 2006, 06:10 PM) [snapback]237826[/snapback]</div> You so, so said it. And concisely.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Apr 10 2006, 09:10 PM) [snapback]237826[/snapback]</div> Neither do I, so I would like to see W continue to reduce taxes. If Teddy and the boys want to raise our taxes we will continue to get less and less for our money.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(imntacrook @ Apr 10 2006, 08:46 PM) [snapback]237839[/snapback]</div> If W cut taxes, where's our share? Never got a penney of tax cuts, but I sure feel sorry for a baby being born today $36,000 in debt due to W's borrow and spend policy. Hope Haliburtin and all the other corporate welfare reciepients at least have the heart to send them a thank you note.