Wondering if anyone has a favorite GPS app they use with their iPhone. Just got an iPhone and would like to have the option of using GPS on it. Thanks.!
I have both Google Maps and the Apple Map. Since most apps default to Apple Maps for directions I normally use it.
One more reason to use an Android phone; full-featured Google Maps, plus: a removable battery, expandable memory and a customizable interface.
My GPS needs are minimal and I use Apple Maps on my iPhone. Its good enough and convenient enough that most of the time I use it instead of my Garmin.
The best thing about Google navigation is the real-time traffic-flow information. The route turns yellow when it's slow, and red when it's choked. It's amazingly current and accurate, usually to within half a block I find. The other big plus is that the roads are up to date, not 2-4 years behind like they are with other GPS navigation products.
Actually I've downloaded Google Maps and like it. Just wasn't sure if there was something out there that's better and free. Still prefer the Apple over Android. Everyone has their favorites.
A lot of users like Waze, a collaborative navigation app now owned by Google: Free Community-based Mapping, Traffic & Navigation App
Yeah, this is why Google Maps wins every time. Their traffic data is the most precise. Every Google Maps user transmits their car's position and speed in real time to Google, giving them foot-by-foot traffic data and automatically tuning their route guidance & estimates. (That's why they are so accurate in guessing your arrival time.) Google bought Waze, and most Waze data is included in Google Maps now. If you want turn-by-turn GPS directions when you don't have cell phone service, you might want to buy an offline GPS app, too. None of these are amazing apps, and the routing/traffic is inferior to online maps. But it's good to have one in a pinch, in case you're lost and out of cell phone range. So far, my favorite offline directions app for iPhone is Garmin VĂago. It's not cheap - to get offline maps and all of the guidance features, you're looking at between $20 and $100. (Note that the ratings are mixed, mainly because early versions were buggy, and they screwed the users of their older Navigon/StreetPilot apps by making them buy maps again for the new app.)
Three navs in my car, not fully intentionally. I had a Garmin Nuvi in my previous car, so I moved into my new Prius, and in comparison, it's much better than the Prius built-in nav. But I still use the built-in nav for simple navigation, because it's a bigger screen, and the sound is clearer. Sometimes its just easier to use the Google Maps app on my phone, and its much better than the Nuvi by a wide margin.
Google Maps is fantastic for when you have cell reception. Another app that I recently discovered but is useful when you don't want to sue data, or don't have connectivity is maplets, where you download small portions of maps...and they work with your phone's GPS location for the most part. Useful for dirt roads, etc. Of course, you can always pre-cache google maps, by browsing the area you will be at on the map, or by using offline capabilities of the new google maps version.
I bought TOMTOM USA for my android, it was only like $15 on sale and takes about 2.3GB of space on my SD card. It's fully offline and take no data from your plan. You can't beat google maps for map accuracy. They have the largest fleet of vehicles exploring all the roads all over the world. Other companies can't compete.