Not per se but it works fine with my iPhone 3GS. What exactly are you having problems with: Bluetooth seeing the phone or the app not working?
Yes, I have an iphone 4 and use Pandora with it all the time. I also use Instacast for streaming podcasts to it. Since phone calls are working, you got it paired as a phone, you also need to make sure you add the iphone as an auxiliary bluetooth audio device. That setting is under the Setup menu for Audio I think....
bdiddy's got it. You have to pair it for BT Audio as well (but just like BT phone, it'll auto-pair once you've set it up) SETUP --> Audio --> Bluetooth Audio Settings and add the device.
Hmmm, only 3.5 weeks into owning my new to me 2010 Prius with JBL Nav system. Didn't even know I could do this, thanks for the info fellas, I'll give it a try!
It works seamlessly for me - but initially, it didn't...because I tried to overthink it, and used different passwords for the two bluetooth profiles exposed by the car! As soon as I made the passwords the same, it worked beautifully.